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John Tavernor: Palladio and Palladianism, 1997. Thames and Hudson. Part Two, 1,2 og 4: 22-56; 77-88 + 21 + 212.
James S. Ackerman: The Villa. Form and Ideology of Country Houses, 1990. Thames and Hudson. Kap. 2 The Ancient Roman Villa, s. 35-61.
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David R. Coffin: The Villa in the Life of Renaissance Rome, 1979. Princeton. The Villa Madama, s. 245-252.
Mary Quinlan-McGrath: "he Astrological Vault of the Villa Farnesina" og Mary Quinlan-McGrath: "Agostino Chigi's Rising Sign" i Journal of Warburg and Courtauld, 1984. 47, s. 91-105 + 5 s. bilder.
Erwin E. Gombrich: "Botticelli's Mythologies: A Study in Neo-Platonic Symbolism of his Circle" i Symbolic Images, 1978 (1972). Phaidon. 31-81.
Jean Seznec: The Survival of the Pagan Gods. The Mythological Tradition and its Place in Rennaissance Humanism and Art, (1953) 1972. New York. Book I, Part One: Kap. II: The Physical Tradition, 37-83.
Margareth Ann Zaho: Imago Triumphaluis. The Function and significance of Triumphal Images for the Italian Renaissance Culture, 2004. Oxford. The History of the Roman Triumph, 7-25.
Staale Sinding-Larsen: "Titian's Triumph of Faith, and the Medieval Tradition of the Glory of Christ" i Acta ad Archaeologiam et artivm historiam pertinentia, 1975. Roma. VI, s315-351 + 13 plates.
John Shearman: "The Florentine Entrata of Leo X, 1515" i Journal of Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 1975. 38, 136-154.
Liana de Girolami Cheney: "Giorgio Vasari's Sala dei Cento Giorni. A Farnese Celebration, " i Explorations in Renaissance Culture, 1955. 21, s. 121-150.
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Tidsskriftsartikler som lastes ned fra BIBSYS:
-Mary Quinlan-McGrath: The Astrological Vault of the Villa Farnesina. Agostino Chigi’s Rising Sign, Journal of Warburg and Courtauld, 47 (1984), 91-105.
-John Shearman: The Florentine Entrata of Leo X, 1515, Journal of Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 38 (1975), 136-154.
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