
Foucault, Michel: Seksualitetens Historie, 2001. Oslo: Pax. bd 2, Bruken av nytelsene, Les: Introduksjon, kap 1 (t.o.m. Afrodisia) og kap, 4. (110 s.) .

Freud, Sigmund: Bruddstykke av en hysterianalyse, 2007. Oslo: Cappelen,. 110s.

Laqueur, Thomas: Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greek to Freud, 1992. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, Les: Kap 1-2, 5-6. (195 s.) .

Mosse, George: The Image of Man, 1996. Oxford. Les: Kap. 1-5 og 7. (125 s.)

Taylor, Gary: Castration: An Abbreviated History of Western Manhood, 2002. New York:Routledge. Les: Kap 2-6 Contest of Texts, of Males, of Organs, of Gods, of Reproduction, og of Genders). (110 s.).

Artikler (95 s.) som kan lastes ned fra nettet

? Nicholson, Linda: 1994. “Interpreting Gender”, Signs, bd. 20, hft. 1, 79-105. (25 s.).

? Scott, Joan W.: 1986. “Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis!, The American Historical Review, bd 91, hft 5; 1053-1075. (20 s.).

? Clark, Elizabeth A. “The Lady Vanishes: Dilemmas of a Feminist Historian after the ‘Linguistic Turn’.” Church History 76, no. 1 (1998): 1-31. (30 s.)

? Moore, Stephen D. “The Song of Songs in the History of Sexuality.” Church History 69, no. 2 (2000): 328-349. (20 s.)

Artikler (55 s.) i kompendium:

? McNamara, Jo Ann. “The Herrenfrage: The Restructuring of the Gender System, 1050-1150,” in Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages, ed. Clare A. Lees A. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994, 3-29. (25 s.)

? Bynum, Caroline Walker. “ ‘And Woman His Humanity’: Female Imagery in the Religious Writing of the Later Middle Ages,” and “Introduction” in Gender and Religion: On the Complexity of Symbols, eds. Caroline Walker Bynum, Steven Harrell, and Paula Richman, Boston: Beacon Press, 1986, 257-288. Eller i: Fragmentation and Redemption: Essays on Gender and the Human Body in Medieval Religion. New York: Zone Books, 1991, 151-179. (30 s.)

Annen anbefalt litteratur:

Lorentzen, J?rgen og Wencke Mühleisen (red.), Kj?nnsforskning: En grunnbok, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2006.

Solheim, Jorun: Kj?nn og modernitet, Oslo: Pax, 2007

Publisert 3. jan. 2011 20:28 - Sist endret 3. jan. 2011 20:28