
Anbefalt oversiktslitteratur

Dorinda Outram, The Enlightenment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2005. 140 sider.

Ellen Krefting og Anne Beate Maurseth (Red.), Mennesket. Arven fra opplysningstiden, Scandinavian Academic Press, Oslo 2008.


Montesquieu: L’Esprit des lois - englsk oversettelse: The Spirit of the Laws (Cambridge University Press, 1998)

  • Bok 11: “On the laws that form political liberty in its relation with the constitution”
  • Bok 12: “On the laws that form political liberty in relation to the citizen”
  • Bok 14: “On the laws in their relation to the nature of the climate”
  • Bok 19: “On the laws in their relation with the principles forming the general spirit,
the mores, and the manners of a netion”

Voltaire: Filosofiske brev (Aschehoug, 2007)

Rousseau: Du contrat social – engelsk oversettelse i The Social Contract and other later political writings (Cambridge University Press, 1997)

Diderot (m. fl.): Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers; f?lgende oppslagsord:

  • “Encyclopédie”
  • “Histoire”
  • ”Philosophe”
  • ”Vertu”

(Lenke til engelske oversettelser av disse oppslagsordene vil bli lagt inn i Fronter ved semesterstart.)

d’Alembert: Discours préliminaire de l'encyclopédie – engelsk oversettelse: Preliminary discourse to the Encyclopedia of Diderot (Chicago 1995)

  • Kunnskapstreet (“Système figuré des Connaissances humaines”)

(Lenke til en engelsk oversettelse av denne plansjen vil bli lagt inn i Fronter ved semesterstar)

Mandeville: Fable of the Bees (Penguin Classics, 1989) - finnes ogs? i en rekke andre utgaver

Swift: “The Battle of the Books”, i Major Works (Oxford University Press, 2003) - fines ogs? i en rekke andre utgaver

Gibbon: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; f?lgende utvalg:

  • Kap 15: “The progress of the Christian Religion, and the sentiments, manners,
numbers, and condition of the primitive Christians”
  • Kap 16- “Conduct of the Roman government towards the Christians, from the reign
of Nero to that of Constantine”
  • “General Ovservetions on the Fall of the Roman Empire in the West”
  • Kap 71: “Prospect of the Ruins of Rome in the Fifteenth Century. Four Causes of
Decay and Destruction. Conclusion of the Whole Work”

(Lenke til dette utvalget vil bli lagt inn i Fronter ved semesterstart.)

Hume: Natural History of Religion

(Lenke til denne teksten vil bli lagt inn i Fronter ved semesterstart.)

Hume: Fra Essays:

  • ”Of Superstition and Enthusiasm”
  • “Of the Populousness of Ancient Nations”
  • “Of the Jealousy of Trade”
  • “On the Rise and Progress of the Arts and Sciences”

(Lenke til disse tekstene vil bli lagt inn i Fronter ved semesterstart.)

Kant: ”Was ist Aufkl?rung?” – norsk oversettelse i J.G. Hamann: Opplysning og kors (Aschehoug, 2003)

Publisert 16. mai 2012 12:14 - Sist endret 16. mai 2012 12:15