

Studentene skal lese utdrag. De aktuelle utdragene vil anonseres i forkant av hver forelesning.

Eden, Richard. The first Three English books on America [?1511–1555]. Edited by Edward Arber (Birmingham: 1885). N?rere presisering av hvilke utdrag som skal leses vil gis p? forelesningene. Boken kan lastes ned fra

Markham, Clements R. red. The Letters of Amerigo Vespucci and other documents illustrative of his career. (London: The Hakluyt Society, 1894). Kan lastes ned som pdf fra eller les elektronisk via Bibsys ved ? s?ke p? tittel.

Young, George. The Columbus memorial: containing the first letter of Columbus descriptive of his voyage to the New world; the Latin letter to his royal patrons, and a narrative of the four voyages of Amerigo Vespucci. Reproduced in fac-simile from the unique and excessively rare originals. With illustrations, introduction and notes. (Philadelphia: Jordan bros, 1893). Kan lastes ned i pdf fra eller leses elektroninsk via Bibsys ved ? s?ke p? tittel.

Major, R. H. Select Lettes of Christopher Columbus with other original documents relating to his four voyages to the New World. 2nd edition (London: The Hakluyt Society, 1870). Kan lastes ned som pdf fra

Columbus, Christopher. Personal narrative of the first voyage of Columbus to America. From a manuscript recently discovered in Spain. Tr. from the Spanish. av Samuel Kettell, etter et manuscript redigert av Bartolomé de las Casas. (Boston: T.B. Wait and Son, 1827. Kan lastes ned som pdf fra eller leses elektronisk ved ? s?ke p? tittelen i Bibsys.

Robertson, John Alexander, red.. Magellan’s Voyage Around the World by Antonio Pigafetta. The original text of the Ambrosian MS, with English translattion, notes, bibliography, and index. 2 vol (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1906). Bind 1 kan lastes ned som pdf fra og bind 2 kan lastes ned som pdf fra

Las Casas, Bartolomé. A relation of the first voyages and discoveries made by the Spaniards in America: With an account of their unparallel’d cruelties on the Indians, in the destruction of above forty millions of people. Together with propositions offer’d to the King of Spain, to prevent the further ruin of the West-Indies. London, 1699. Kan lestes ned som pdf fra EEBO via Bibsys.

Acosta, José de. Natural and Moral History of the Indies. 2 vol. (London: The Hakluyt Society, 1880). Kan lastes ned som pdf fra vol. 1: vol 2:


Anbefalt sekund?rlitteratur

Grafton, Anthony. New Worlds, Ancient Texts: The Power of Tradition and the Shock of Discovery. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1992.

Appleby, Joyce. Shores of Knowledge: New World Discoveries and the Scientific Imagination. New York: W.W. Norton, 2013.

Elliott, J.H. The Old and the New World, 1492–1650. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Pagden, Anthony. European Encounters with the New World: From Renaissance to Romanticism. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993.

Pagden, Anthony. The Fall of Natural Man: The American Indian and the origins of comparative ethnology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982.

Glacken, Clarence J. Traces on the Rhodian Shore: Nature and Culture in Western Thought from Ancient Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967. Del 3: “Early Modern Times”

I tillegg vil det bli anbefalt artikler som vil kunne lastes ned elektronisk via Bibsys.


Publisert 13. nov. 2014 13:53