
Tekster som skal leses p? gresk

  • Euripides Alkestis & Aristofanes Froskene



  • Euripidis Fabulae, edd. J. Diggle (Oxford: OUP) 1984, b. 1: 31-83.

Norsk oversettelse

  • Euripides Seks tragedier. Ny utgave, kommentarer og etterord ved Egil Kraggerud (Oslo: Gyldendal) 1997 (1. norske utg. av Alkestis oversettelsen, 1987).

Engelsk oversettelse

  • Euripides Cyclops, Alcestis, Medea, transl. D. Kovacs i Loeb serien 1994.


  • Euripides Alcestis, with introduction and commentary by L.P.E. Parker (Oxford: OUP) 2007.
  • Euripides' Alcestis, with notes and commentary by C. A. E. Luschnig and H. M. Roisman (Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press) 2003.
  • Euripides Alcestis, edited with translation and commentary by D. J. Conacher (Warminster: Aris & Phillips) 1988.
  • Euripides Alcestis, edited with introduction and commentary by A. M. Dale (Oxford: Clarendon Press) 1954.



  • Aristophanis Fabulae, recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit N. G. Wilson (Oxford: OUP) 2007, b. 2.


  • Aristophanes Frogs, edited with introduction and commentary by Kenneth Dover (Oxford: Clarendon Press) 1993.

  • Aristophanes The Frogs, ed. with introduction, revised text, commentary and index by W. B. Stanford (Basingstoke : Macmillan) 21968.

Tekstkritiske studier

  • Wilson, N. G. Aristophanea : studies on the text of Aristophanes (Oxford: OUP) 2007.

Publisert 4. mai 2011 09:44 - Sist endret 14. juni 2011 17:58