
Bagnall, R. S. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology (Oxford, 2009). Tilgjengelig online

Kenney, E. G. The Classical Text. Aspects of Editing in the Age of the Printed Book (Berkeley/ Los Angeles/London, 1974) UHS Mes KLAS 880.09 Ken  

Reeve, M.D. Manuscripts and Methods. Essays on Editing and Transmission (Rome, 2011) 27-44, 107-174 UHS 091 Ree  

*Reynolds, L. D. and N. G. Wilson, Scribes and Scholars. A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature (Oxford, 42013) UHS Mes KLAS 480.09 Rey

Thompson, E. M. An Introduction to Greek and Latin Palaeography (New York, 1912)   UHS Mes KLAS 481.1 Tho & tilgjengelig online via HathiTrust, osv. 

Turner, E. G. Greek Papyri: An Introduction (Oxford, 1980) UHS Mes PAPY 481.1 Tur  

Turner, E. G. Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World, revised and enlarged by P. J. Parsons (London, 21987) UHS Mes PAPY 481.1 Tur  

West, M. L. Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique (Stuttgart, 1973) UHS Mes KLAS 880.09 Wes  


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Publisert 2. juni 2020 09:11 - Sist endret 2. juni 2020 09:11