
  • Bagnall, R. S. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology (Oxford) 2009: ch. 1, 5, 7, 9, 11-13.
  • Kenney, E. G. The Classical Text. Aspects of Editing in the Age of the Printed Book (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London) 1974.
  • Reynolds, L. D. and N. G. Wilson Scribes and Scholars. A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature (Oxford) 31991: 1-241.
  • Turner, E. G. Greek Papyri: An Introduction (Oxford) 1980.
  • West, M. Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique (Stuttgart) 1973.

Publisert 14. juni 2011 17:59 - Sist endret 14. juni 2011 18:00