
Course material (compulsory):

? Aristophanis Fabulae. Ed. N.G. Wilson. vol. 2. Oxford 2007.

? Aristophanes, Frogs. Ed. with Introd. and Comm. by Sir Kenneth Dover. Oxford 1997.


Course requirements:

  • regular attendance (please let me know in advance if you cannot make it for once);
  • preparation of Greek text passages (translation), c. 140 verses/week;
  • occasional critical reading (secondary literature);
  • regular oral contribution.
  • essay (innlevering): c. 3–4 pages, on a topic to be assigned, deadline: 29 October.
  • written exam (18 December): translation of a passage from Aristophanes’ Frogs (no dictionary allowed!) + interpretive questions.

Exams and papers can be written in either English, Norwegian (Bokm?l or Nynorsk), Swedish or Danish. However, please note that you have to be consistent in your choice of language (viz. no mixing of languages/idioms).



Full reading list including optional reading

Publisert 22. mai 2014 11:23 - Sist endret 2. feb. 2015 14:42