1) Gresk tekst: Utdrag fra Bok I og VIII av Herodots Historier (ca. 40 ss.).
Tekstutgave: Herodoti Historiae, ed. N.G. Wilson, 2 vols., Oxford, 2015 (papirkopi av teksten deles ut i klassen og skannet versjon gj?res tilgjengelig via FRONTER).
2) Hjelpemidler: How, W.W. and J. Wells, A Commentary on Herodotus, 2 vols., Oxford, 1912.
Asheri D. et al., A Commentary on Herodotus, books I-IV, Oxford, 2007.
Herodotus: Histories Book VIII, ed. A.M. Bowie, Cambridge, 2007.
3) Fordypning:
Dewald C. and J. Marincola (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Herodotus, Cambridge, 2006
[Kapitlene: 2 “Herodotus and his Prose Predecessors” (R. Fowler), 4 “The Intellectual Milieu of Herodotus” (R. Thomas), 6 “The Syntax of Historiê: How Herodotus Writes” (E.J.Bakker) og 7 “Speech and Narrative in the Histories” (C.Pelling)].
Bakker E. J., I. J. F. de Jong and H. van Wees (eds.), Brill's Companion to Herodotus, Leiden, 2002
[Kapitlene: "The Making of History: Herodotus' Histories Apodexis" (Egbert Bakker); "The Histories and Writing" (Wolfgang R?sler); "Narrative Unity and Units" (I. J. F. de Jong) og "Herodotus and his Sources of Information" (S. Hornblower)].
1.) Gresk tekst: Utdrag fra Bok I, II og V av Thukydides Peleponneskrigen (ca. 30-40 sider).
2.) Hjelpemidler: Gomme, A. W. (Books 1-5), Antony Andrewes (Books 5 and 8), and K. J. Dover (Books 6 and 7). A Historical Commentary on Thucydides. 5 Vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1945-81
Cameron, H.D. Thucydides Book I: A Student's Grammatical Commentary. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 2003.
3.) Fordypning: kapitler fra Brill’s Companion to Thucydides. Ed. A. Rengakos & A. Tsakmakis. Brill 2006 (skal presiseres senere)."