

Bowie, Angus M. (ed., comm.). 2007. Herodotus: Histories. Book VIII. Cambridge: CUP.

We will focus on Herodotus, Histories Book VIII (to be read entirely). In addition, we will be reading excerpts from other historiographers; these texts will be distributed (photocopies).


Reading Assignments in total:

Greek text for translation (compulsory):

Herodotus, Histories Book VIII (in full).

Textual editions and commentaries for use (compulsory):

Bowie, Angus M. (ed., comm.). 2007. Herodotus: Histories. Book VIII. Cambridge: CUP.

Secondary literature (compulsory):

Baragwanath, Emily. 2008. “The Homeric background.” In: Emily Baragwanath, Motivation and Narrative in Herodotus. Oxford: CUP, 35–54.

Grant, Michael. 1970. “Herodotus.” In: Michael Grant, The Ancient Historians. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 23–66.

White, Hayden. 1984. “The Question of Narrative in Contemporary Historical Theory.” History and Theory 23 (1984): 1–33.

Zali, Vasiliki. 2013. “Themistocles’ Exhortation before Salamis: On Herodotus 8.83.” GRBS 53 (2013): 461–85

Recommended further reading (optional):

Baragwanath, Emily. 2008. Motivation and Narrative in Herodotus. Oxford: CUP.

Grant, Michael. 1970. The Ancient Historians. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.

Lowe, Nick J. 2000. The Classical Plot and the Invention of Western Narrative. Cambridge: CUP.

Marincola, John (ed.). 2007. A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography. 2 vols., Mal?den / Oxford / Victoria: Blackwell.


Publisert 10. okt. 2014 16:57 - Sist endret 7. mai 2015 13:38