

Gresk tekst

  • Utdrag fra Herodot, bok 1 og Thukydid, bok 6.



  • Herodotos, Histories Book I. Ed. J.H. Sleeman. Bristol Classical Press 2002. [ELLER, hvis Sleemans utgave er tilgjengelig: Herodotus, Historiae I. Ed. K. Hude. Oxford 1963 OG George A. Sheet, Herodotus Book I, Hackett 1981 (Bryn Mawr Commentaries)].
  • Thukydides, History of the Peloponnesian War: Book 6. Ed. K.J. Dover. Bristol Classical Press 1999.
  • Jerker Blomqvist & Poul Ole Jastrup, Grekisk/Gr?sk grammatik, 3. uppl., Akademisk forlag 2006. Spesielt avsnittet ”Herodots sprog”.



FRA The Cambridge History of Classical Literature. I. Greek Literature. Ed. P.E. Easterling & B.M.W. Knox. Cambridge 1985, eller senare opptrykk/opplag:

  • Kapittelet ”Historiography” av H.R. Immerwahr & W.R. Connor.


FRA A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language. Ed. E.J. Bakker. Chichester 2010:

  • O. Tribulato, ”Literary dialects”, sid. 387–400.
  • V. Bers, ”Kunstprosa: Philosophy, History, Oratory”, sid. 455–467.

FRA Brill’s Companion to Herodotus. Ed. E.J. Bakker, I.J.F. de Jong, H. van Wees. Brill 2002:

  • E.J. Bakker, ”The making of history: Herodotus’ Historiēs apodeixis”, sid. 3–32.
  • S.R. Slings, ”Oral strategies in the language of Herodotus”, sid. 53–77.
  • W. R?sler, ”The Histories and writing”, sid. 79–94.

FRA Brill’s Companion to Thucydides. Ed. A. Rengakos & A. Tsakmakis. Brill 2006:

  • Z. Rogkotis, ”Thucydides and Herodotus: aspects of their intertextual relationship”, sid. 57–86.
  • E.J. Bakker, ”Contract and design: Thucydides’ writing”, sid. 109–129.
  • T. Rood, ”Objectivity and authority: Thucydides’ historical method”, sid. 225–249.
Publisert 11. okt. 2013 16:49