
Gresk tekst:

  • Herodot 9.31-77: 24 s.
  • Thukydid 1.24-55: 26 s.
  • Xenophon: Utdrag fra Hellenika, ca 10-15 sider, kunngj?res senere


  • Herodotus: Histories book IX, ed. Flower, Marincola, Cambridge University Press 2002. Introduksjon s. 1-48, tekst+kommentar
  • Thucydides book I, ed. Thomas Wiedemann & E. C. Marchant, Bristol Classical Press 1991 (2. utg). Tekst+kommentar
  • Xenophon: The Fall of Athens, Selections from the Hellenica of Xenophon, books 1 and 2, ed. T. Horn, Bristol Classical Press 1991
  • Thucydides book II, ed. J. S. Rusten, Cambridge University Press 1989. Introduction 1,2,4 s. 1-17, 21-28
  • Blomqvist, Jerker og Poul Ole Jastrup: Grekisk/Gr?sk Grammatik, Akademisk Forlag 1996 (2. utg.). Herodots spr?k s. 347-362
  • Thucydides book 1: A students’ grammatical commentary, H.D. Cameron, University of Michigan Press 2003

I oversettelse:

  • Herodot bok 1 og 9
  • Thukydid bok 1
  • Xenophon bok 1


  • Cambridge History of Classical Literature I, Greek Literature, ed. P. E. Easterling and B. M. Knox, Cambridge University Press 1985. Kap. 13.1-3 Historiography s. 426-457
  • Companion to Ancient Greek Language, ed. Egbert J. Bakker, Wiley-Blackwell 2010:
  • Tribulato, Olga: Literary Dialects, s. 388-400
  • Bers, Victor: Kunstprosa: Philosophy, History, Oratory s. 455-467
  • The Cambridge Companion to Herodotus, ed. Carolyn Dewald and John Marincola, Cambridge University Press 2006:
  • Bakker, Egbert: The Syntax of Historie: How Herodotus Writes s. 92-102.
  • Pelling, Christopher: Speech and Narrative in the Histories s. 103-121
  • Brill’s Companion to Thucydides, ed. Antonios Rengakos & Antonis Tsakmakis, Brill 2006:
  • Rogkotis, Zacharias: Thucydides and Herodotus: Aspects of their Intertextual Relationship s. 57-86
  • Bakker, Egbert: Contract and Design: Thucydides’ Writing s. 109-130

Publisert 1. okt. 2010 09:11 - Sist endret 3. jan. 2011 15:42