Varen 2015

Course material (compulsory):

?Solmsen, Friedrich / Merkelbach, Reinhold / West, Martin L. (ed.). 1990. Hesiodi Theogonia,
Opera et Dies, Scutum. 3rd rev. & enl. ed. Oxford: Clarendon.

?We will focus on Hesiodus, Theogony (to be read unabridged). In addition, we will be reading
excerpts from later hexameter poetry; these texts will be distributed (photocopies).

Course requirements (cf. also web):

?General requirements (for all):
-regular attendance (please let me know in advance if you cannot make it for once; if you
miss more than three sessions, you will be asked to do extra work for compensation);
-weekly preparation of Greek text passages (translation);
-critical reading (secondary literature);
-regular oral contribution/participation in class discussion.

?BA (GRE2401):
-written essay: 3–4 pages (excl. title page and bibliography), on a topic to be assigned

?deadline: 24 March 2015;

-written exam (21 May): translation of a passage from Hesiod’s Theogony or from any othertext passage read in class (no dictionary allowed), incl. interpretive questions. Everything that
is said and discussed in class during the semester (incl. teaching material such as PPP’s etc.)
will be relevant to the examination.

?MA (GRE4302): seminar paper on a passage to be chosen autonomously from Greek epic
poetry, incl. your own translation (+ small commentary), close reading and interpretation. Thepaper should be 8–10 pages long (excl. title page, Greek text + translation + comm., bibliogr.).

-24 March 2015: outline (1 page);
-21 May 2015: final paper.

?Exams and papers can be written in either English, Norwegian (Bokm?l or Nynorsk), Swedishor Danish. However, please note that you have to be consistent in your choice of language (viz.
no mixing of languages/idioms).

Publisert 4. des. 2014 10:42 - Sist endret 4. des. 2014 10:42