Grekisk text:
liaden 9 och utdrag ur Hesiodos Theogonin samt Verk och dagar.
- Homer: Iliad IX. Ed. Jasper Griffin. Oxford 1995 [ELLER, om inte Griffins utg?va finns: Homer, Iliad Books VIII and IX. Ed. Christopher H. Wilson. Warminster 1996.].
- Essential Hesiod. Selections from Theogony & Works & Days. Theogony 1-232, 453-733. Works & Days 1-307. Ed. Christopher Rowe. Bristol Classical Press 2001.
- Jerker Blomqvist & Poul Ole Jastrup, Grekisk/Gr?sk grammatik, 3. uppl., Akademisk forlag 2006. S?rskilt avsnittet ”Den homeriske dialekt”.UR A New Companion to Homer. Ed. I. Morris & B. Powell. Brill 1997:
- G. Horrocks, ”Homer’s dialect”, sid. 193–217.
- M. West, ”Homer’s meter”, sid. 218–237.
- J. Russo, ”The formula”, sid. 238–260.
UR The Cambridge History of Classical Literature. I. Greek Literature. Ed. P.E. Easterling & B.M.W. Knox. Cambridge 1985, eller senare omtryck/upplaga:
- Kapitlet ”Homer” av G.S. Kirk.
- Kapitlet ”Hesiod” av J.P. Barron & P.E. Easterling.
1. UR A New Companion to Homer. Ed. I. Morris & B. Powell. Brill 1997:
- S.L. Schein, ”The Iliad: structure and interpretation”, sid. 345–359.
- A. Ford, ”Epic as genre”, sid. 396–414.
- R.M. Rosen, ”Homer and Hesiod”, sid. 463–488.
2. UR Brill’s Companion to Hesiod. Ed. F. Montanari, A. Rengakos, Chr. Tsagalis. Brill 2009:
- I. Rutherford, ”Hesiod and the literary traditions of the Near East”, sid. 9–35.
- P. Pucci, ”The poetry of the Theogony”, sid. 37–70.
- J. Strauss Clay, ”Works and days: tracing the path to arete”, sid. 71–90.