


Nicomachean Ethics

– mange utgaver – de to f?rste er s?rlig anbefalt, men de to neste kan ogs? brukes:

S. Broadie and C. Rowe (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2002)

C.D.C Reeve (Indianapolis: Hackett 2014)

T.H. Irwin (2nd ed: Indianapolis: Hackett 1997)

D. Ross and L. Brown (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2009)



– anbefalt utgave:

C.D.C. Reeve (Indianapolis: Hackett 1998)




– anbefalte utgaver:

G.A. Kennedy (Oxford: Oxford University Press 1991)

R. Waterfield and H. Yunis (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018)



J. Urmson, The Greek Philosophical Vocabulary (London: Duckworth 1990)

Published May 15, 2019 4:13 PM - Last modified May 29, 2019 10:46 AM