
Pensum: Plotinus, with an English translation by A. H. Armstrong. Harvard University Press (Loeb Classical Library). Bind I og bind V. These are available online through UB. Disse er tilgjengelige online gjennom UB.


Eyjólfur K. Emilsson, Plotinus. Routledge 2016. Vil bli gjort tilgjengelig.

- Plotinus, Ennead V.1: "The three principal hypostases".

- Plotinus, Ennead I.1.: "On what is the animal and what is the human being".

- Plotinus, Ennead I.8.: "On what are and whence come evils".



The rest of the syllabus will be made available by semester start.

?vrig pensum gj?res tilgjengelig ved forelesning.


Published May 19, 2016 2:28 PM - Last modified Mar. 16, 2017 3:20 PM