Study questions for the exam …

Study questions for the exam

On the exam you will have to respond to two question out of four (i.e. there will be four questions on the exam, and you have respond to two of them.). You can prepare for the exam by thinking about the following four questions.

Question 1

Present and evaluate Cappelen and Lepore's criticism of the view that quotations are context sensitive

Question 2

Present and evaluate Williamson's view in "Knowing and Asserting"

Question 3

Present and evaluate Soames' view in "The Gap Between Meaning and Assertion"

Question 4

Pick some aspect of "Language Turned on Itself" that you find particularly interesting. Present and evaluate the position.

Publisert 22. apr. 2006 12:13 - Sist endret 23. mai 2006 19:52