
Published Aug. 15, 2024 3:08 PM

We have now published an updated course description on the semester pages where you can read more about the course content this fall.

Published Aug. 14, 2024 2:31 PM

We are very glad to inform you that FIL4300 will run this semester (taught by Ainar Miyata), however there have been changes to the time schedule, and the specific topic and the readings will also be changed. The time schedule has already been updated (if there will be more changes, they will be minor ones), and we will publish a few senteces regarding the topic by the end of the week. A new reading list will be provided sometime during next week.

Published Aug. 13, 2024 1:03 PM

As we do not yet know whether or not we will be able to offer FIL4300-Ethics this semester, we have for now closed the course for registrations. We will provide you with more information by the end of the week. Again, we sincerely apologise for this unfortunate situation.

Published Aug. 7, 2024 3:06 PM

We regret to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, Christel Fricke will not be able to teach FIL4300 this semester as planned. We are looking into various solutions, and will keep you informed about what happens, but those of you who have noe yet bought the books for the course, please wait till further information is given before doing so.