Syllabus/achievement requirements



Session 1

Strawson, Peter F. (1962) ‘Freedom and Resentment.’ Proceedings of the British Academy 48 (1962), 1-25. FRONTER


Session 2

Watson, Gary (2004) ‘Responsibility and the Limits of Evil: Variations on a Strawsonian Theme’. In Gary Watson (2004) Agency and Answerability. Selected Essays. Oxford:OUP. (chap. 8) FRONTER

Watson, Gary (2004) ‘Two Faces of Responsibility’. In Gary Watson (2004) Agency and Answerability. Selected Essays. Oxford:OUP. (chap. 9) FRONTER



Session 3

Wallace, Jay (1994) ‘Responsibility’. In Jay Wallace (1994) Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments. Harvard: Harvard University Press. (chap. 3) FRONTER

Wallace, Jay (1994) ‘Emotions and Expectations’. In Jay Wallace (1994) Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments. Harvard: Harvard University Press. (chap. 2) FRONTER


Session 4

Fricker, Miranda (2016) ‘What's the point of Blame? A Paradigm Based Explanation.’ No?s 50/1, 165-83. FRONTER


Session 5

Scanlon, T.M. (2013) ‘Interpreting Blame.’ D. Justin Coates and Neal A. Tognazzini (eds) Blame: Its Nature and Norms. Oxford: OUP, 84-99. FRONTER

Scanlon, T.M. (2008) ‘Blame’. In T.M. Scanlon (2008)  Moral Dimensions. Permissibility, Meaning, Blame. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. (chap. 4) FRONTER


Session 6

Butler, Joseph (1867/2006): Fifteen Sermons preached at The Rolls Chapel. Elibron Classics. (Sermons VIII and IX). Available online at:;view=1up;seq=12


Session 7

Griswold, Charles (2007) ‘Forgiveness at its Best.’ In Charles Griswold (2007) Forgiveness. A Philosophical Exploration. Cambridge: CUP. (chap. 2) – Get yourself a copy of the book.


Session 8

Hieronymi Pamela (2001) ‘Articulating an Uncompromising Forgiveness.’ Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 62/3, 529-555. FRONTER

David Novitz (1998) ‘Forgiveness and Self-Respect.’ Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 58/2, 299-315. FRONTER


Session 9

Kevin Zaragoza (2012) ‘Forgiveness and Standing.’ Philosophy and Phenomenological Research LXXXIV/3, 604-621. FRONTER

Holmgren, Margaret (1993) ‘Forgiveness and the Intrinsic Value of Persons.’ American Philosophical Quarterly 30/4, 341-352. FRONTER


Session 10

Fricke, Christel (2009) ‘What We Cannot Do to Each Other – On Forgiveness and Moral Vulnerability.’ In: Fricke, Christel (ed) (2011) The Ethics of Forgiveness. A Collection of Essays. The Hague: Routledge, 51-68. FRONTER

Shoemaker, David (2007)  ‘Moral Address, Moral Responsibility and the Boundaries of the Moral Community.’ Ethics 118, 70-108. FRONTER


Session 11

Murphy, Jeffrey (1988) ‘Forgiveness, Mercy and the Retributive Emotions.’ Criminal Justice Ethics 7/2, 3-15. FRONTER




Session 12

Feinberg, Joel (2004/08) ‘The Classic Debate.’ and ‘The Expressive Function of Punishment.’ Both in: Feinberg, Joel, and Coleman, Jules (eds) (2004/2008) Philosophy of Law. Belmont: Thomson, 624-640.


Session 13

Morris, Herbert (2004/2008) ‘Persons and Punishment.’ In: Feinberg, Joel, and Coleman, Jules (eds) (2004/2008) Philosophy of Law. Belmont: Thomson, 641-655.


Session 14

Duff, R. A. (2006) ‘Answering for Crime’ Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 106, 87-113.







Published June 7, 2016 9:40 AM - Last modified Aug. 12, 2016 10:14 AM