
B?ker (kan kj?pes p? Akademika):

Epictetus 1983: The Handbook (The Encheiridion). Cambridge/ Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company. 29 s.

Plato: Republic Bok II-V, VIII-IX. Anbefalt utgave: Cooper, J (1997) (ed): Plato – complete works. Indianapolis: Hackett. 254 s.

Sherman, Nancy 2005: Stoic warriors: the ancient philosophy behind the military mind. New York: Oxford University Press. 242 s.

Artikler og utdrag fra b?ker (kommer i masterkopier):

Burnyeat, Myles 2006: "The Truth of Tripartition". Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, pp. 1-22. 22 s.

Kraugerud, Hanne (kommer 2010): "Essentially social? – A discussion of the spirited part of the soul in Plato" i European Journal of Philosophy. UK: Wiley-Blackwell. 30 sider.

Kapittel 4 I Plato’s Theory of Human Motivation i Cooper, John 1999: Reason and Emotion. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 19 s.

Kapittel 1: The puzzle of Plato’s thumos i Hobbs, Angela 2000: Plato and the hero: courage, manliness and the impersonal good. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 46 sider.

On Mercy i Seneca, Lucius Annaeus/ Cooper, John M. and Procopé, J. F. 1995: Moral and political essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 48 sider.

Kapittel 1: Emotions as Judgemnets of Value i Nussbaum, Martha 2001: Upheavals of thought – the intelligence of emotions 85 sider.

Published Apr. 2, 2009 2:22 PM - Last modified June 8, 2009 12:37 PM