
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
21.08.2007Dragana Bozin? Seminarrom 15 P.A. Munchs hus? Introduction to the course? Gruppe-/individuelt arbeid: Examples?
28.08.2007Dragana Bozin? Seminarrom 15 P.A. Munchs hus? Introduction to the topic – overview of the field and scope of the inquiry, two branches ? Litteratur: Rescher: Introduction, Ch 1


04.09.2007Dragana Bozin? Seminarrom 15 P.A. Munch hus? Limits in Philosophy of science? Litteratur: Rescher: Ch 2, 3

Gruppe-/individuelt arbeid: Assignment, Question?

11.09.2007Dragana Bozin? Seminarrom 15 P.A. Munchs hus? Limits in Philosophy of science? Litteratur: Rescher: Ch 4

Gruppe-/individuelt arbeid: Assignment, Question?

18.09.2007Dragana Bozin ? Seminarrom 15. P. A. Munchs hus ? Limits in Philosophy of science? Litteratur: Rescher: Ch 5, 6

Gruppe-/individuelt arbeid: Assignment, Question?

25.09.2007Dragana Bozin? Seminarrom 15 P. A. Munchs hus? Limits in Philosophy of science? Litteratur: Rescher: Ch 7, 8

Gruppe-/individuelt arbeid: Assignment, Question?

02.10.2007Dragana Bozin? Seminarrom 15 P.A. Munchs hus? Limits in Philosophy of science? Litteratur: Rescher: Ch 9, 10

Gruppe-/individuelt arbeid: Assignment, Question?

09.10.2007Dragana Bozin? Seminarrom 15 P.A. Munchs hus? Limits in Philosophy of science? Litteratur: Rescher: Ch 12, (13), 15

Gruppe-/individuelt arbeid: Assignment, Question?

16.10.2007Dragana Bozin? Seminarrom 15 P.A. Munchs hus? Limits in science? Litteratur: Casti/Karlquist: J. Barrow & J. Casti

Gruppe-/individuelt arbeid: Assignment, Question?

23.10.2007Dragana Bozin? Seminarrom 15 P.A. Munchs hus? Limits in science? Litteratur: Casti/Karlquist: J. Hartle

Gruppe-/Individuelt arbeid: Assignment, Question?

30.10.2007Dragana Bozin? Seminarrom 15 P.A. Munchs hus? Limits in science? Litteratur: Casti/Karlquist: P. Hut & H. Morowitz

Gruppe-/Individuelt arbeid: Assignment, Question?

06.11.2007Dragana Bozin? Seminarrom 15 P.A. Munchs hus? Limits in science? Litteratur: Casti/Karlquist: R. Rosen & K. Svozil

Gruppe-/individuelt arbeid: Assignment, Question?

13.11.2007Dragana Bozin? Seminarrom 15 P.A. Munchs hus? Did we miss something?? Gruppe-/individuelt arbeid: Assignment, Question?
20.11.2007Dragana Bozin? Seminarrom 15 P.A. Munchs hus? Review: Limits as a potential topic for research? ?
Publisert 8. aug. 2007 12:59 - Sist endret 8. aug. 2007 15:54