
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
20.10.2004Nils Roll-Hansen? Seminarrom 405, P.A. Munchs hus? Klassisk Evolusjonsteori - Darwinisme? Kap. 2, “The Received View of Evolution”. Spesielt 2.2 “Evolution and Natural selection” og 2.3 “The Received View and its Challenges”. Kap. 3. ”The Genes Eye View of Evolution”. Spesielt 3.1 “Replication and Interaction” og 3.2 “The Special Status of Replicators”.?
27.10.2004Nils Roll-Hansen? Seminarrom 405, P.A. Munchs hus? “Evo-Devo” - Embryologiske begrensninger.? Kap. 4, “The Organism Strikes Back”. Spesielt 4.1 “What is a Gene?” Kap. 5, “Developmental Systems Alternative”. Spesielt 5.1 “Gene Selectionism and Development” og 5.2 “Epigenetic Inheritance and Beyond”.?
03.11.2004Nils Roll-Hansen ? Seminarrom 405, P.A. Munchs hus ? Adaptasjonisme (Ortodoks Darwinisme).? Kap. 10, “Adaptation, Perfection, Function”. Spesielt 10.3, “The Attack on Adaptationism”, og 10.4 “What is Adaptationism?” S.J. Gould and R.C. Lewontin, “”The spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian paradigm: A critique of the adaptationist programme. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 205: 581-98. (Opptrykk i E. Sober (ed.) Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology. MIT Press, 1994.)


10.11.2004Nils Roll-Hansen? Seminarrom 405, P.A. Munchs hus ? “Menneskets Natur”? Kap. 13, “From Sociobiology to Evolutionary Psychology”. Spesielt 13.4 “Evolutionary Psychology and Its Promise” og 13.5 “Evolutionary Psychology and Its Problems”.?
17.11.2004Nils Roll-Hansen ? Seminarrom 405, P.A. Munchs hus ? Reduksjonisme i lys av Klassisk vs. Molekyl?r Genetikk og ”evo-devo”.? Scott Gilbert vil v?re til stede. Vi leser hans artikkel: “Embracing Complexity: Organicism for the 21st century”, Developmental Dynamics 219( 2000): 1-9, og Kenneth Schaffner, “Reduction: The Cheshire Cat Problem and a Return to Roots”, upublisert manus. Bakgrunnsstoff: Sterelny & Griffiths kap. 6, “Mendel and Molecules”, og kap. 7, “Reduction: For and Against”.?
24.11.2004Nils Roll-Hansen? Seminarrom 405, P.A. Munchs hus ? Historievitenskap sammenliknet med biologi.? George A Reisch, “Chaos, History and Narrative”, History and Theory, 1991, s. 1-20. Paul A. Roth, Narrative Explanations: The Case of History”, History and Theory, 1988, nr.3, s.1-13.?
Publisert 6. mars 2005 06:17