
Arpaly.N. “On Acting Rationally against One’s Best Judgement”. Ethics, 110. Pp. 488-513.

Broome. Reasoning. Book manuscript, 165 sider Broome, “Practical reasoning”, in Reason and Nature. Essays in the Theory of Rationality, ed. By J. Bermudes and A. Millar, Oxford University press, 2003. (20 pages) Broome, “Normative Practical Reasoning”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 2001. 13 pages.

Gjelsvik, Olav. “Reason, Reasoning and Intention.” Draft 2006.

Kolodny, Nico. “Why be Rational”. Mind 2005, vol. 114, pp. 509-562.

Lewis. “Dispositional Theories of Value”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, suppl. Volume 63, 1989, also published in Lewis, Papers in Etics and Social Philosophy, Cambridge University Press 2000. P. 68-95 (27 pages)

Raz, Joseph. “Explanining Normativity, I. and II”. In Raz, J. Engaging Reason. Oxford University Press, 1999, pages 67-118.

Scanlon, Thomas. “Chapter 1 on Reasons”, in What We Owe to Each Other. Harvard University Press, 1998 (p. 17-72) 55 pages

Stroud. The Quest for Reality. Subjectivism and the Metaphysics of Colour. Oxford University Press 2002. 225 pages

Total: About 680 pages.

Published Oct. 25, 2005 12:22 PM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2006 1:54 PM