FIL2405 – Philosophical Logic and the Philosophy of Mathematics
Course description
Course content
Course content may vary from year to year but is based on either a further logical and philosophical study of classical propositional and predicate logic, or a logical and philosophical study of various extensions of, and alternatives to, classical Logic or central questions in the philosophy of mathematics. Examples of the former may be meta-theory such as soundness and completeness proofs, the deduction theorem, etc. Examples of the latter can be G?del`s incompleteness theorem, various systems of modal logic (for example, K, T, S4, S5), as well as systems of deontic logic, temporal logic, or doxastic logic. Other examples of specialization may be within identity theory, model theory, set theory, second-order logic, logical consequence, conditionals, counterfactuals, intuitionistic logic, relevance logic, and various logical paradoxes such as Russell`s Paradox, Liar Paradox, etc. Examples of questions within the philosophy of mathematics include mathematical knowledge, mathematical objects, truth in mathematics, and the applicability of mathematics.
Learning outcome
After passing the exam, you will have
- gained a deeper understanding of what logic and/or mathematic
- of formalization as a philosophical Method
You will also have
- acquired a deeper understanding of the philosophical and logical an/or mathematical concepts and techniques that have been discussed in the course
- gained a sufficient understanding ofl logic and/or mathematics and its/their philosophical background to enable further study in these areas on your own.
Admission to the course
Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.
If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.
Recommended previous knowledge
EXFAC03-FIL – Examen facultatum, filosofivariant from fall 2007 till fall 2011 or FIL1006 – Innf?ring i logikk. If you are uncertain about whether or not your your previous knowledge within the field is sufficient, we advise you to contact the teacher responsible for the course.
Overlapping courses
- 10 credits overlap with FIL4405 – Philosophical Logic and the Philosophy of Mathematics.
- 10 credits overlap with FIL4406 – Philosophical logic and the philosophy of mathematics (discontinued).
12 double sessions of combined seminars and lectures. The teaching takes place together with master students following FIL4405. The course has the following compulsory activities:
- 4 take-home problems sets
- a draft of the final essay (term paper)
- an in-class presentation
In order for you to qualify for the final examination, all compulsory activities must be approved (accepted as satisfactory) by the teacher. The activities are only valid for one semester (the same semester you attend the course).
This is how you apply for valid absence from the seminar / postponement of obligatory activities.
.A term paper of 6-8 pages (one page should contain approximately 2300 characters), excl literature list. You submit the term paper in Inspera.
In order for you to qualify for the final examination, all compulsory activities must be approved by the teacher.
For more information about the evaluation of the exam spring 2022, please see the Evaluation criteria 2022.
Language of examination
The examination text is given in English, and you submit your response in English.
Grading scale
Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.
More about examinations at UiO
- Use of sources and citations
- Special exam arrangements due to individual needs
- Withdrawal from an exam
- Illness at exams / postponed exams
- Explanation of grades and appeals
- Resitting an exam
- Cheating/attempted cheating
You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.