
Required Reading:


From Martinich, A. P. and David Sosa (2013) The Philosophy of Language, sixth edition, Oxford University Press:


[1]      Frege, Gottlob: On Sense and Reference (Chapter 2).

[2]      Kaplan, David: Demonstratives (Chapter 36).

[3]      Kripke, Saul: A Puzzle about Belief (Chapter 18).

[4]      Mill, John Stuart: Of Names (Chapter 1).

[5]      Putnam, Hilary: Meaning and Reference (Chapter 5).

[6]      Quine, W. V.: Quantifiers and Propositional Attitudes (Chapter 14).

[7]      Russell, Bertrand: On Denoting (Chapter 8).

[8]      Searle, John: Proper Names (Chapter 3).


In the compendium for this course:


[9]      Asheim, Olav: Creatures of Imagination and Belief.

[10]    Bealer, George: An Inconsistency in Direct Reference Theory.

[11]    Donnellan, Keith: Speaking of Nothing.

[12]    Kripke, Saul: Identity and Necessity.

[13]    Kripke, Saul: Vacuous Names and Fictional Entities.

[14]    Michael, Michaelis: Belief De Re, Knowing Who, and Singular Thought.




Published May 7, 2014 1:29 PM - Last modified May 7, 2014 1:30 PM