
A. P. Martinich – The philosophy of language:

Kapittel 5 Tarski – The semantic conception of truth and the foundations of semantics

Kapittel 7 Davidson – Truth and meaning

Kapittel 25 Kaplan - Dthat

Kapittel 38 Quine – Translation and meaning

Kapittel 40 Davidson - A nice drangement of epitaphs

Kapittel 43 Kripke – On rules and private language

Kapittel 45 Lewis – Languages and language

Noam Chomsky – Knowledge of language: Its nature, origin and use (Kapittel 1-2)

Robyn Carston - Thoughts and utterances ,(Kapittel 1)

Ruth Millikan - Language: a biological modell . Kapittel 2

Borg – Meaning and context: a survey of a contemporary debate

Davidson – Radical interpretation

Bezuidenhout – Truth-conditional pragmatics

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur

Steven Pinker – The language instinct

Wittgenstein – Filosofiske Unders?kelser (Paragrafer 78, 185-188, 198-203, 241-258)

Cappelen & LePore - Insensitive Semantics

Jason Stanley - Philosophy of Language in the Twentieth Century

Publisert 5. apr. 2011 09:32 - Sist endret 12. sep. 2011 15:37