
Publisert 8. apr. 2015 08:15

Due to unforseen circumstances unfortunately today's class has been cancelled. See e-mail from F. Trivigno for further information.

Publisert 9. mars 2015 11:26

Please note that the seminar that was supposed to take place on May 4th has been cancelled. Instead there will be an extra seminar on Wednesday April 8. from 16.15-18.00 in room 152 GM.


The deadlines for handing in the last two assignments have therefore also been changed. See message below.

Publisert 26. jan. 2015 15:00

Paper 1: 26.1.

Paper 2: 23.2.

Paper 3: 2.3.

Paper 4: 23.3.

Paper 5: 13.4.

Paper 6: 27.4.


The papers are to be brought to class but must also be submitted in Fronter by 02:00 pm. You will find a complete instruction regarding how to submit a paper in Fronter here.