Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
12.03.2010 | Jo Sivertsen? | ? | Den klassiske forklaringsmodellen og kritikken av den? | Hempel: Two basic types of scientific explanation, Ruben: Arguments, laws and explanation. Railton: A deductive-nomological modell of probabilistic explanation? |
19.03.2010 | ? | ? | Bekreftelse og relevans? | Hempel: Criteria of confirmation and relevance, Salmon: Rational prediction. Salmon: Rationality and objectivity in science or Tom Kuhn meets Tom Bayes? |
26.03.2010 | ? | ? | Om vitenskapelige lover? | Ayer: What is a law of nature. Dretske: Laws of nature Cartwright: Do the laws of physics state the facts?? |
09.04.2010 | ? | ? | Reduksjonisme? | Nagel: Issues in the logic of reductive explanations. Nickles. Two concepts of intertheoretic reduction. Kitcher: 1953 and all that: a tale of two sciences.? |
16.04.2010 | ? | ? | S?ken etter sannhet? | Kitcher: Science, truth and Democracy, part I? |
23.04.2010 | ? | ? | Demokrati og vitenskap? | Kitcher: Science, truth and Democracy, part II.? |
30.04.2010 | ? | ? | Oppsummering? | ? |
De fire f?rste gangene er litteraturen hentet fra antologien til Curd & Cover:?Phlosophy of Science, the central issues.
De to neste gangene er litteraturen Kitcher: Science; Truth and Democracy.Foreleser: Jo Sivertsen, jo.sivertsen@ifikk.uio.no