Obligatorisk oppgave Obligatorisk innleveringsoppgave vil …

Obligatorisk oppgave

Obligatorisk innleveringsoppgave vil best? av et essay p? 2000 - 2500 ord. Oppgaven kunngj?res omkring 15. september og frist for innlevering blir 3. oktober kl. 14:00. Se instruks for innlevering

Studenter som eventuelt ikke f?r oppgaven godkjent vil f? én uke p? seg til ? levere p? nytt. Godkjent obligaorisk innl?evering er en forutsetning for ? avlegge eksamen.

Compulsory assignment

The ccompulsory assignment will be an essay of 2000 - 2500 words. The assignment will be given around September 15th, and must be handed in by October 3rd at 14:00. Detailed instructions for the handing in of assignments are sadly only available in Norwegian; please refer to the teacher or fellow students for help in understanding these.

Students who do not get the assignment approved will be given one week to hand in a revised version. Approval of the assignment is a prerequisite for sitting for the final exam.

Publisert 19. aug. 2008 12:38 - Sist endret 9. okt. 2008 17:51