
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
24.08.2007Hallvard Fossheim? Seminarrom 10 P. A. Munchs hus? Introduksjon? ?
31.08.2007? ? Platon (1:3)? Tekster: Platon, Euthyfron; Andrew Ford: “From ‘Socratic logoi’ to ‘Dialogues’: Dialogue in Fourth-Century Genre Theory”. Gruppe A presenterer Euthyfron.


07.09.2007? ? Gadamer (1:2)? Tekst: Hans-Georg Gadamer, “Elements of A Theory of Hermeneutic Experience”. Gruppe B presenterer “Elements of A Theory of Hermeneutic Experience”.?
14.09.2007? ? Gadamer (2:2) og Taylor? Tekst: Charles Taylor, “Heidegger, Language, Ecology”. Gruppe C presenterer “Heidegger, Language, Ecology”.?
21.09.2007? ? Austin og Ricoeur? Tekster: John Austin, How To Do Things With Words; H.P. Grice, “Logic and Conversation”; Paul Ricoeur, “Utterance and the Speaking Subject: A Pragmatic Approach”; John R. Searle, “A Taxonomy of Illocutionary Acts”. Gruppe D presenterer How To Do Things With Words.?
28.09.2007? ? Searle og Grice? Tekst: Mikhail Bakhtin, “The Problem of Speech Genres”. Gruppe E presenterer “The Problem of Speech Genres”.


05.10.2007? ? Habermas (1:2)? Tekster: Jürgen Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action; George Herbert Mead, “The Social Foundations and Functions of Thought and Communication” og “The Community and the Institution”. Gruppe A presenterer “The Social Foundations and Functions of Thought and Communication” og “The Community and the Institution”.?
12.10.2007? ? Habermas (2:2)? Tekst: Jürgen Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action (forts). Gruppe B presenterer “Discourse Ethics: Notes on a Program of Philosophical Justification” fra Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action.


19.10.2007? ? Mead og Bakhtin? Tekster: Norman S. Care, “Participation and Policy”; Dieter Krohn, “Theory and Practice of Socratic Dialogue”; Frank N. Laird, “Participatory Analysis, Democracy, and Technological Decision Making”; Marina Sbisà, “Communicating Citizenship in Verbal Interaction: Principles of a Speech Act Oriented Discourse Analysis”; Thomas Webler, “‘Right’ Discourse in Citizen Participation: An Evaluative Yardstick”. Gruppe C presenterer “‘Right’ Discourse in Citizen Participation: An Evaluative Yardstick”.


26.10.2007? ? Platon (2:3)? Tekst: Amartya Sen, “The Reach of Reason”; Platon, Protagoras. Gruppe D presenterer “The Reach of Reason”.


02.11.2007? ? Platon (3:3)? Gruppe E presenterer Protagoras. Utdeling av semesteroppgave.


09.11.2007? ? Anvendelser og oppsummering? OPPSUMMERING


16.11.2007? ? ? Studieuke?
Publisert 6. juni 2007 12:51 - Sist endret 26. sep. 2007 18:28