
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
18.01.2008Edmund Henden? Seminarrom 14 P.A. Munchs hus? Bakgrunn. Substansdualisme, psykofysisk interaksjonisme ? Descartes: “Meditations on First Philosophy”, Kim: “Lonely Souls: Causality and Substance Dualism”, E. J. Lowe: “The Problem of Psychophysical Causation”. ?
25.01.2008Edmund Henden? Seminarrom 810, Niels Treschows hus ? Klassisk fysikalisme ? Perry: kap. 2, 3. ?
01.02.2008Edmund Henden? ? Modale argumenter ? Kripke, Jackson og Chalmers. Kripke: Naming and Necessity (utdrag), Jackson: “Epiphenomenal Qualia”, Chalmers: The Conscious Mind (utdrag). ?
08.02.2008Edmund Henden? ? Konseptuell dualisme ? Perry: kap. 4, 5. Papineau: kap. 2, 3. ?
15.02.2008Edmund Henden? ? Fenomenale begreper ? Perry: kap: 6, 7. Papineau: kap. 4.?
22.02.2008Edmund Henden? ? Fenomenale begreper ? Perry: kap: 7, 8. Papineau: kap 5, 6. ?
29.02.2008Edmund Henden? ? Fenomenale begreper ? ?
07.03.2008Edmund Henden? ? Mental for?rsaking ? Davidson: “Mental Events”, “Thinking Causes”, Kim: “Can Supervenience and ‘Non-Strict Laws’ Save Anomolous Monism?”. ?
14.03.2008Edmund Henden? ? Mental for?rsaking. ? F?llesdal: “Causation and Explanation: a Problem in Davidson’s View on Action and Mind”, Fodor: “Making Mind Matter More”. ?
22.01.2008? ? ? INGEN UNDERVISNING?
28.03.2008Edmund Henden? ? Mental for?rsaking ? Kim: “The Myth of Nonreductive Materialism”, Child: “Anomalism, Uncodifiability, and Psychophysical Relations”. ?
04.04.2008Edmund Henden? ? Mental for?rsaking ? Strawson: “Causation and Explanation”, LePore and Loewer: “Mind Matters”. ?
11.04.2008Edmund Henden? ? Mental for?rsaking ? Pettit and Jackson: “Causation in the Philosophy of Mind”. ?
18.04.2008Edmund Henden? ? Mental for?rsaking ? Hornsby: “Agency and Causal Explantion”. ?
25.04.2008Edmund Henden? ? Mental for?rsaking ? ?
Publisert 21. jan. 2008 21:07 - Sist endret 22. jan. 2008 15:02