

Perry (2001): Knowledge, Possibility and Consciousness, The MITPress (220 s.).

Papineau: Thinking about Consciousness, Clarendon Press Oxford, kap. 2, 3 og 4 (94 s.).


Chalmers: The Conscious Mind, Oxford University Press, 1996, s. 94-99.

Child: “Anomalism, Uncodifiability, and Psychophysical Relations”, Philosophical Review, 102, 1993 (30 s).

Davidson: “Mental Events” (20 s.) I Actions & Events, “Thinking Causes”, i Mental Causation & Metaphysics of Mind (red. N. Campbell).

Descartes: “Meditations on First Philosophy” (11 s.).

Fodor: “Making Mind Matter More” i The Philosophy of Mind, Classical Problems/Contemporary Issues, Brian Beakley og Peter Ludlow (red), The MIT Press, 2006, s. 409-427.

F?llesdal: “Causation and Explanation: a Problem in Davidson’s View on Action and Mind”, LePore & McLaughlin (red.), Actions and Events, Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson, (12 s.).

J. Hornsby. "Agency and Causal Explanation", i Simple mindedness, Harvard University Press, 1997.

Jackson: “Epiphenomenal Qualia”, i Philosophy of Mind, Classical and Contemporary Readings (red. Chalmers), (7 s.).

Kim: “Lonely Souls: Causality and Substance Dualism” (13 s.) i Philosophy of Mind, Contemporary Readings (red. T. O’Conner og D. Robb).

Kim: “Can Supervenience and ‘Non-Strict Laws Save Anomalous Monism” (7. s), i Mental Causation & Metaphysics of Mind (red. N. Campbell).

Kim: “The Myth of Nonreductive Physicalism”, i The Philosophy of Mind, Classical Problems/Contemporary Issues, Brian Beakley og Peter Ludlow (red), The MIT Press, 2006, s. 427-442.

Kripke: Naming and Necessity, utdrag (20 s).

LePore og Loewer: “Mind Matters” i The Philosophy of Mind, Classical Problems/Contemporary Issues, Brian Beakley og Peter Ludlow (red), The MIT Press, 2006, s. 399-408.

Pettit og Jackson: “Causation in the Philosophy of Mind” i Mind, Morality, and Explanation, Oxford University Press, 2004, s. 45-68.

Strawson: “Causation and Explanation”, Analysis and Metaphysics. An Introduction to Philosophy, (22 s.).

E.J. Lowe. "The Problem of Psychophysical Causation", i Philosophy of Mind, Contemporary Readings, (red) Timothy O'Conner og David Robb, Routledge 2003.

Publisert 22. okt. 2007 16:40 - Sist endret 14. des. 2007 12:53