


Crane, Tim & Wiggins, David: "Ch. 4 "Methapysics" i Philosophy 1

Robinson, Howard: "Substance" i Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Aristotle: "Excerpts from the Complete Works of Aristotle" i The Complete Works of Aristotle

Aristotle: Part III, Ch. 2: "Soul and Body, Form and Matter": Aristotle, De Anima i Western Philosophy

Philoponus: "Excerpt from Philoponus" i Philoponus. Against Aristotle, on the Eternity of the World

Aquinas, Thomas: Part V, Ch. 2: "The Five Proofs of God": Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae i Western Philosophy

Descartes, René: Part II, Ch. 3: "Supreme Being and Created Things": René Descartes, Principles of Philosophy i Western Philosophy

Descartes, René: Part III, Ch. 4: "The Incorporeal Mind": René Descartes. Meditations i Western Philosophy

Descartes, René: Part VI, Ch. 3: "Mathematical Science and the Control of Nature": René Descartes, Discourse on the Method i Western Philosophy

Leibniz, Gottfried: Part V, Ch. 5: "The Problem of Evil": Gottfried Leibniz, Theodicy i Western Philosophy

Berkeley, George: Part II, Ch. 6: "Nothing Outside the Mind": George Berkeley, Pronciples of Human Knowledge i Western Philosophy

Paley, William: Ch.3: Selection from "Natural Theology" i Metaphysics

Hume, David: Part VI, Ch. 6: "The Relation Between Cause and Effect": David Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding i Western Philosophy

Kant, Immanuel: Part II, Ch. 8: "Mataphysics, Old and New": Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena i Western Philosophy

Kant, Immanuel: "Third Antinomy" i Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason

Russel, Bertrand: "God and Evil. Why I Am Not a Theist" i Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Topics

Heidegger, Martin: Part II, Ch. 9: "Being and Involvement": Martin heidegger, Being and Time i Western Philosophy

Parfit, Derek: Ch. 1: "Why Anything? Why This?" i Metaphysics

Mackie, J. L.: Ch. 6: "Evil and Omnipotence" i Metaphysics

Robinson, Howard: Ch. 10: Selection from "Matter and Sense" i Metaphysics

Dummet, Michael: Ch. 11 "Realism" i Metaphysics

Adams, Robert M.: Ch. 14: "Primitive Thisness and Primitive Identity" i Metaphysics



Jaegwon Kim: Philosophy of Mind, 2006. Westview. Second edition, hele boken - med unntak av kap 9 - er pensum.


Paul M. Churchland: Matter and Consciousness, 43- 49.

Donald Davidson: “Mental Events” (ikke appendikset), i D. Davidson, Actions and Events, 207-225.

René Descartes: Meditasjoner, nr. 6, 64-77.

Jerry A. Fodor: “Functionalism”, i S.M. Cahn et al., red., Reason at Work. Introductory Readings in Philosophy, 703-711.

Frank Jackson: “What Mary Didn’t Know”, i D. Rosenthal, red., The Nature of Mind, 392-394.

Thomas Nagel: “What is it like to be a Bat?”, i D. Rosenthal, red., The Nature of Mind, 422-428.

John R. Searle: The Rediscovery of the Mind, kap. 2, 27-57 samt fotnoter.

Ludwig Wittgenstein: Philosophical Investigations, §243-§309.

Publisert 23. okt. 2008 15:35 - Sist endret 5. jan. 2009 15:29