Exam: Formal requirements

The following information applies to both variants of EXPHIL03E: the seminar variant and the self-study variant.

Home exam (seminar variant) and written examination (self-study variant): formal requirements


  • On the home exam and written examination it is indicated how long (how many words) your answer should be. If no such indication is given, you yourself decide how much to write.


  • Your answers must be formulated by yourself and not copied from other sources. Answers that are identical to other texts, including other submitted exam answers and essays, can lead to suspicion of cheating.


  • When you use material (facts, arguments, assertions, quotes) from other sources in your home exam or written examination, you should reference the author (for instance: which philosopher argued or said something). Please note that on these exams detailed references to sources (e.g., with page numbers) and a bibliography are not required.

Candidate number:

  • When you log into Inspera your exam answers or exam essay is automatically given a candidate number. Thus, you do not need to mark your work with your candidate number yourself.  

Semester essay (seminar variant): formal requirements

Length and font:

  • Between 800 and 1000 words. Write the number of words at the top of the semester paper. This number includes references in parentheses or footnotes, but not a bibliography. Nor does it include the exam question which the semester paper answers. The exam question should be given at the top of the semester paper.   
  • Use the font Times New Roman (12 points) with 1? in line spacing.
  • Your candidate number, the number of the topic and the text of the topic should be given at the top of the semester paper, as well as the number of words in your assignment. Please do not write your name in your assignment.

  Independence and relevance:

  • The text you submit must be your own work.
  • This text must be an answer to one of the exam questions in ethics which have been designated for the seminar group in which you are registered.

Integrity: references and bibliography

  • When you use content (facts, arguments, assertions) from other sources you should give a reference. This requirement does not only concern quotations (literal renderings), but also when you reformulate using your own words. You should write the references in a parenthesis or a footnote. The requirement for references applies to all the sources that you have used: original texts from the syllabus, other texts from the syllabus or other sources.   
  • The semester paper should include a bibliography where you list all the other works (sources) you have used in the paper.
  • A lack of references may at worst lead to suspicion of cheating.  
  • See further information about sources and references.

Digital exam in Inspera

Both the semester paper and the home exam are to be handed in digitally, in Inspera. You will receive practical information about Inspera in good time before the exam.

Time and place for the exam

Please see: dates and deadlines and exam.

Published May 31, 2018 3:44 PM - Last modified June 1, 2018 4:50 PM