Teaching plan

This timetable is provisional. The times and lecturers for the first eight lectures are fixed. Information on the second half of the course (i.e. from 15th March) will be given during the course.

Provisional essay deadlines, and some suggested essay questions.

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
18.01.2011Nicholas Allott [NEA]? GM 141 Lite seminarrom? Introduction: How do we communicate?? Reading: Sperber, D. (1995). How do we communicate? In J. Brockman & K. Matson (Eds.), How Things Are: A Science Toolkit to the Mind. (pp. 191–199). New York: W. Morrow. Available here?
25.01.2011NEA? ? Meaning and intentions? Reading: this week's main reading is the lecture notes?
01.02.2011NEA? ? Implicatures, Maxims and the Cooperative Principle? Reading: Grice, P. (1975). Logic and conversation. (Available in the CSMN copy room, also in Fronter.)?
08.02.2011NEA? ? Cognition and communication: Introducing relevance theory? Notes


Reading: Wilson & Sperber (2004) Relevance theory. Available via Dan Sperber's site and on Fronter.?

15.02.2010Georg Kj?ll [GK]? ? The problem of linguistic underdeterminacy ? Handout

Reading: Carston, R. (2002) - Thoughts and Utterances, pp. 15-42 (downloadable as sample chapter from publisher)?

22.02.2011GK? ? A semantic approach to the problem of linguistic underdeterminacy ? Handout

Reading: Stanley, Jason. 2000. 'Context and logical form' (up to section 3, pp. 391-409). Linguistics and Philosophy 23.

Carston, Robyn. 2002. 'Post-script to chapter 2' (pp. 197-205). In Thoughts and Utterances.?

01.03.2011Georg Kj?ll [GK]? ? Pragmatic enrichment and underdeterminacy ? Handout

Reading: Carston, Robyn. 2004. Explicature and semantics In: S. Davis & B. Gillon (eds.) Semantics: A Reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press.?

08.03.2011Deirdre Wilson [DW] ? ? Pragmatics and mental architecture? Reading: Sperber, D. and Wilson, D. Pragmatics, modularity and mind-reading. ?
15.03.2011GK? ? Word meaning in Relevance Theory? Handout

Reading: Wilson, Deirdre. 2003. Relevance and lexical pragmatics.

Background reading: Sperber, Dan and Deirdre Wilson. Relevance: communication and cognition, chapter 4, sections 4.1.-4.3., pp. 172-193. ?

23.03.2011GK? Undervisningsrom 215 GS? Metaphor and irony in Relevance Theory.? Handout

Reading: Sperber, Dan and Deirdre Wilson. 1995. Relevance: communication and cognition, chapter 4, sections 7-9, pp. 224-243.

Background reading: Sperber, Dan and Deirdre Wilson. 2008. A Deflationary account of metaphor. In Gibbs, R. W. (ed) The Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.?

29.03.2011Astrid Nome? GM 141 Lite seminarrom ? Procedural meaning in Relevance Theory? Reading: Pons Borderia, Salvador. 2008. Do discourse markers exist? On the treatment of discourse markers in Relevance Theory. In Journal of Pragmatics 40 (2008) 1411–143.?
05.04.2011Ingrid Lossius Falkum [ILF]? ? TBA? ?
12.04.2011ILF? ? TBA? ?
26.04.2011NEA? ? Round-up of the course? Discussion of questions you have raised.?
Published Mar. 2, 2011 6:04 PM - Last modified Feb. 21, 2013 3:13 PM