Teaching plan

This timetable is now final (barring disasters...).

Provisional essay deadlines, and some suggested essay questions.

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
18.01.2011Nicholas Allott [NEA]? GM 141 Lite seminarrom? Introduction: How do we communicate?? Handout


Reading: Sperber, D. (1995). How do we communicate? In J. Brockman & K. Matson (Eds.), How Things Are: A Science Toolkit to the Mind. (pp. 191–199). New York: W. Morrow. Available here?

25.01.2011NEA? ? Meaning and intentions? Notes


Reading: this week's main reading is the lecture notes?

01.02.2011NEA? ? Implicatures, Maxims and the Cooperative Principle? Notes


Reading: Grice, P. (1975). Logic and conversation. (Available in the CSMN copy room, also in Fronter.)?

08.02.2011NEA? ? Cognition and communication: Introducing relevance theory? Notes


Reading: Wilson & Sperber (2004) Relevance theory. Available via Dan Sperber's site and on Fronter.?

15.02.2010Georg Kj?ll [GK]? ? The problem of linguistic underdeterminacy ? Reading: Carston, R. (2002) - Thoughts and Utterances, pp. 15-42 (downloadable as sample chapter from publisher)?
22.02.2011GK? ? A semantic approach to the problem of linguistic underdeterminacy ? Reading: Stanley, Jason. 2000. 'Context and logical form' (up to section 3, pp. 391-409). Linguistics and Philosophy 23.

Carston, Robyn. 2002. 'Post-script to chapter 2' (pp. 197-205). In Thoughts and Utterances.?

01.03.2011Georg Kj?ll [GK]? ? Pragmatic enrichment and underdeterminacy ? Reading: Carston, Robyn. 2004. Explicature and semantics In: S. Davis & B. Gillon (eds.) Semantics: A Reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press.?
08.03.2011Deirdre Wilson [DW] ? ? Pragmatics and mental architecture? There is a handout here .?
15.03.2011GK? ? Context and content in Relevance Theory ? Reading: Sperber, Dan and Deirdre Wilson. 1995. Relevance: communication and cognition (2nd edition), pp. 132-142 (section 3.3-3.4) and 172-193 (section 4.1-4.3)?
22.03.2011GK? ? TBA? ?
29.03.2011Astrid Nome? ? Procedural meaning? Here are the slides?
05.04.2011Ingrid Lossius Falkum [ILF]? ? Polysemy and the generative lexicon ? Reading: Pustejovsky, J. 1991. The generative lexicon. Computational Lexical Semantics 17(4), pp. 409-441. Available here

Optional reading: Ravin, Y. & Leacock, C. 2000. Polysemy: An overview. In Polysemy: Theoretical and Computational Approaches, Ravin, J. & C. Leacock (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-29. (Both available in the CSMN copy room).?

12.04.2011ILF? ? Polysemy and relevance-theoretic lexical pragmatics ? Reading: Wilson, D. & Carston, R. 2007. A unitary approach to lexical pragmatics: relevance, inference and ad hoc concepts. In Pragmatics, Burton-Roberts, N. (ed.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 230-259. Available via Robyn Carston's webpage

Additional reading: Carston, R. Thoughts and Utterances, Chapter 5, pp. 320-375.?

26.04.2011NEA? ? Round-up of the course? Discussion of questions you have raised.?
Published Dec. 9, 2009 1:56 PM - Last modified Apr. 1, 2011 5:26 PM