
Homer, Iliad, trans. Richard Lattimore (University of Chicago Press)

ISBN-10: 0226470490 ISBN-13: 978-0226470498


Aeschylus, Oresteia, trans. David Greene (The Complete Greek Tragedies Series) (University of Chicago Press).


Sophocles I: Antigone, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus (The Complete Greek Tragedies Series) (University of Chicago Press).


Euripides II: Andromache, Hecuba, The Suppliant Women, Electra (The Complete Greek Tragedies Series) (University of Chicago Press)


Herodotus, The Histories, trans. Robin Waterfield, with an introduction and notes by Carolyn Dewald (Oxford World’s Classics).


Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, trans. Rex Warner (Penguin).


Aristophanes: Lysistrata and Other Plays, trans., introduction and notes Alan H. Sommerstein. Revised edition (Penguin).


The Aeneid of Virgil, Allen Mandelbaum (Translator), Series: Bantam Classics

ISBN-10: 0553210416ISBN-13: 978-0553210415

Denne utgaven kan ogs? brukes:

Virgil: The Aeneid, ISBN 9780140449327


Collected Ancient Greek Novels, edited by B.P. Reardon, University of California Press: Berkeley, Ca., 1989.


Apuleius, The Golden Ass, trans. P.G. Walsch (Oxford World’s Classics).?


Further teaching material (recommended secondary readings, pp presentations etc.) will be made available on Canvas.


Published Nov. 21, 2019 11:18 AM - Last modified Dec. 4, 2019 9:45 AM