Holleran and Claridge (red.), A companion to the city of Rome (Blackwell 2018): chs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 28. (309 pages) M? ikke kj?pes da UiO f?r en multi-user e-book license via UB som alle studenter f?r tilgang til.
Claridge, A. , Rome: an Oxford archaeological guide, 2nd ed. (2010). (selection of 250 pages)
Edwards, C. Writing Rome (Cambridge University Press 1996). (164 pages)
Rüpke, Pantheon: a new history of Roman religion (2018): chs. 5-13. (282 pages)
Dolanski and Raucci (red.), Rome: a sourcebook on the ancient city (Bloomsbury 2018). (272 pages)
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Anbefalt bakgrunnslitteratur
Beard, M., SPQR. A History of Ancient Rome (Profile Books 2015) (608 pages) Toner, J. The ancient world (Profile Books 2016) (164 pages)