Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
21.09.2011Erika Fischer-Lichte? HW 210 ? Ibsen in Performance? Ostermeyer's "Nora" will be analyzed.
  • Read Erika Fischer-Lichte's Introduction to "Global Ibsen"
  • Read chapters 3-6 of Erika Fischer-Lichte's "The Transformative Power of Performance"

There will be two lectures, at 9.15 - 12, and at 14.15 - 16?

22.09.2011Erika Fischer-Lichte? HW 210? Ibsen in performance? Ostermeyer's "Nora" will be analyzed.
  • Read Erika Fischer-Lichte's Introduction to "Global Ibsen"
  • Read chapters 3-6 of Erika Fischer Lichte's "The Transformative Power of Performance"
27.10.2011Narve Fuls?s? Georg Sverdrups Hus sem. rom 2? The Annual Ibsen Lecture? The Annual Ibsen Lecture will be held by Professor Narve Fuls?s, Troms? University, at 14.00, Georg Sverdrups Hus, Lecture room 2

Se special invitation, including an invitation to join the seminar "Worlding Ibsen", 27, 28, 29 November?

01.11.2011Julie Holledge? HW 210? Ibsen in performance? An introduction to the use of e-research methodologies of mapping, network analysis, and visual searching to the study of the global production history of Ibsen’s dramas.

Read Bollen, J. & Holledge, J., Hidden Dramas: Cartographic Revelations in the World of Theatre Studies, Special Issue of ?The Cartographic Journal?, 4/2011 (November 2011). Students should familiarize themselves with the text of A Doll’s House and browse records of the global production history of this play held in the www.ibsen.net repertoire database. ?

03.11.2011Julie Holledge? HW 210? Ibsen in performance? An introduction to the use of e-research methodologies of mapping, network analysis, and visual searching to the study of the global production history of Ibsen’s dramas.

Read Bollen, J. & Holledge, J., Hidden Dramas: Cartographic Revelations in the World of Theatre Studies, Special Issue of ?The Cartographic Journal?, 4/2011 (November 2011). Students should familiarize themselves with the text of A Doll’s House and browse records of the global production history of this play held in the www.ibsen.net repertoire database. ?

08.11.2011Julie Holledge? HW 210? Ibsen in performance? An introduction to performance research techniques used to document and analyse rehearsal room practices leading to new productions of Ibsen’s dramas.

Read McAuley. G (1998). Towards an Ethnography of Rehearsal. New Theatre Quarterly, 14, pp 75-85 doi:10.1017/S0266464X00011751. Students should familiarise themselves with Lady from the Sea as the lecture includes research findings from a study of cross-cultural rehearsal practices used by actors to embody this text.?

10.11.2011Julie Holledge? HW 210? Ibsen in performance? An introduction to performance research techniques used to document and analyse rehearsal room practices leading to new productions of Ibsen’s dramas.

Read McAuley. G (1998). Towards an Ethnography of Rehearsal. New Theatre Quarterly, 14, pp 75-85 doi:10.1017/S0266464X00011751. Students should familiarise themselves with Lady from the Sea as the lecture includes research findings from a study of cross-cultural rehearsal practices used by actors to embody this text.?

15.11.2011Kamaluddin Nilu? HW 210? Ibsen in performance? Performance analysis
  • Brand
  • Ghosts
17.11.2011Kamaluddin Nilu? HW 210? Ibsen in performance? Performance analysis
  • Brand
  • Ghosts
22.11.2011Kamaluddin Nilu? HW 210? Ibsen in performance? Performance analysis
  • Brand
  • Ghosts
24.11.2011Kamaluddin Nilu? HW 210? Ibsen in performance? Performance analysis
  • Brand
  • Ghosts
Published Sep. 26, 2011 2:37 PM - Last modified Oct. 22, 2011 1:53 PM