
Published Dec. 7, 2011 12:05 PM

Hand in 2 copies of your assigment during the opening hours of Front Office, Henrik Wergelands Hus (12.30-15.00). You must also hand in an obligatory statement concerning cheating. You can find it here

And frontpage for your assignment you can find here

Published Oct. 22, 2011 1:57 PM

The Annual Ibsen Lecture is held at Georg Sverdups Hus, sem. room 2 on 27 November 2011, at 14.oo

Speaker this year is Professor Narve Fuls?s, University of Troms?

Published Oct. 22, 2011 1:53 PM

Hello all Ibsen Students at the Ibsen Centre

We are happy to invite you all to come to the Ibsencentre and meet our guests - Ibsen students - from Troms? University, 26 November at 10.15, in HW Room 210. The programme will be concentrated upon filmatization of Ibsen. Professor Frode Helland will give a short introduction to the Iranian film, Sara, based on A Doll's House. We will watch the film and discuss it afterwards. The film lasts for 1 hr 38 min. Refreshments will be served. You are welcome to our meeting at 10.15 on Wednesday!