Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
25.08.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | The National Gallery? | Ibsen and late 19th Century Norway? | Read Lowenthal's essay "Literature and the Image of Man. Studies in the European Drama and Novel", Compendium II,61-119? |
30.08.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | HW 210? | The Young Ibsen? | Prepare questions from Ystad's essay, "The Young Ibsen - Critic and Theatre Writer", Compendium II,249-268 and from Brandes' essay "First Impression", Compendium I,19-64? |
01.09.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | HW 210? | Ibsen's poem "Terje Vigen"? | Suggested reading: 1. Moi, Toril Terje Vigen : an idealist triumph I: Scandinavian review : - New York . - 94:2 (2006), 57-61 Utdrag fra "Ibsen and the birth of modernism". (See fulltext in the International Ibsen Bibliography) 2. James McFarlane's essay "Years of Crisis", Compendium II,87-119 3. Michael Meyer's essay ""Ibsen: a Biographical Approach", Compendium II,123-135? |
06.09.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | HW 210? | Ibsen's Peer Gynt? | Suggested reading: Kaplan, Merrill On the road to realism with Asbj?rnsen and Moe, Peer Gynt, and Henrik Ibsen I: Scandinavian studies : - Provo, Ut. - 75:4 (2003), 491-508 Exercises and topics for paper: 1. Biography Select biographical notes that can illuminate (parts of) the dramatic poem, Peer Gynt 2. Genre Peer Gynt: From Romanticism to Satire into emerging Realism – a study of genre (Ref. to Kaplan's article above) 3. History Ingrid from H?gstad Farm, a realistic portrait of a young peasant girl’s life in the 1850s? 4. Cultural history Ingrid’s life – in the light of recent feminist ideas 5. Method Discuss Ibsen’s use of folklore in the first acts of the drama. You may compare the tales and legends to similar tales and legends in your culture 6. Method Discuss the problem of identifying a source and suggesting an interpretation, with reference to Peer Gynt?? |
08.09.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | HW 210? | Peer Gynt? | Read Ibsen's letter to Bj?rnstjerne Bj?rnson, 28 December 1867 Suggested reading: Aarseth, Asbj?rn Source and interpretation in Peer Gynt : a problem for the editor I: International Ibsen Conference (11 : 2006 : Oslo) : The living Ibsen. - Oslo : Centre for Ibsen Studies, University of Oslo, 2007, 53-57 . ? |
13.09.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | HW 210? | Pillars of Society? | Read 1. Raymond Williams' Chapter 1: Henrik Ibsen", Compendium II,195-228 and 2. Edmund Gosse's essay "Ibsen's Social Dramas", Compendium II,107-123? |
15.09.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | HW 210? | Pillars of Society? | ReadInga Stina Ewbank's article 1979/26, "Drama and Society in Ibsen's Pillars of Community", in Drama and Society Cambridge University Press? |
19.09.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | Skien? | Ibsen's Youth? | Special programme for the Skien excursion will be published later. ? |
11.10.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | HW 210? | A Doll's House ? | Read Joan Templeton's essays in Chapter 5, in Ibsen's Women, 1997:110-145? |
12.10.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | HW 210? | Ibsen's Ghosts (1881)? | ? |
13.10.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | HW 210? | Ibsen's Rosmersholm (1886)? | Suggested reading: Beyer, Edvard. “Social themes and issues in Ghosts, Rosmersholm and John Gabriel Borkman”. Ibsen Year Book. Oslo: The Univ. Press, (1978): 9-13Paul, Fritz. “Familie als Fatum : Ibsens Rosmersholm - eine untragische Trag?die”. Ibsen im europ?ischen Spannungsfeld zwischen Naturalismus und Symbolismus : Kongressakten der 8. Internationalen Ibsen-Konferenz, Gossensass, 23.-28.6.1997. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, (1998): 217-233. Van Laan, Thomas F.. "Art and structure in Rosmersholm". Modern drama, Lawrence, Kansas, Vol. 6, (1963): 150 – 63.Wells, Marie. “Ghosts and white horses: Ibsen's Gengangere and Rosmersholm revisited”. Norwich: Scandinavica Vol. 37, no 2 (1998): 197-214. ? |
18.10.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | HW 210? | Ibsen's Hedda Gabler (1890)? | ? |
19.10.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | HW 210 (may be changed)? | Ibsen's Hedda Gabler? | We will study a Swedish TV production. We will invite Norwegian students to participate in the discussion? |
20.10.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | HW 210? | Ibsen's The Masterbuilder? | ? |
25.10.2011 | Astrid S?ther? | HW 210? | ? | Papers to be handed in!? |
Published Oct. 12, 2011 5:16 PM
- Last modified Oct. 12, 2011 5:17 PM