MITRA4450 – Field Term - History Project for Modern International and Transnational History Students

Course content

Students in MITRA4450 - Field Term - History Project for Modern International and Transnational History Students write a research paper of 8,000 words (+/- 10%, notes included) on a topic in modern international or transnational history. The topic of the history project has to be different from the topic of the student’s master thesis, that is to say engages with a different body of scholarly literature, utilizes different primary sources and studies a different empirical case. The paper should be based on archival sources; students are supported to visit archives and libraries abroad in pursuit of their research objective. Students are encouraged to aim their research paper at a relevant academic journal for publication.

Learning outcome

The history project provides students with an opportunity to apply their historical knowledge and historiographical skills to conduct an advanced research project in modern international and transnational history. It is meant to prepare them for future work in an international research environment.

After you have taken this course you are expected to:

  • be able to design and conduct an archive-based research project
  • identify, assess and interpret relevant archival sources
  • write an independent paper based on primary sources, adhering to the discipline’s conventions in the use of sources, citations and referencing
  • have a general understanding of academic publishing.

Admission to the course

Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.

Only students admitted to the Master Programme for Modern International and Transnational History can apply. The history project must fit as the third semester of the student’s Master degree.

The application deadline is August 15. Students are strongly advised to approach (a) potential supervisor(s) for their project during the spring semester and have an informal agreement with a member of the academic staff to act as supervisor by the time they apply for the course.

The department provides financial support for archival trips. Students are asked to provide specific information about planned trips (destinations, length of stay, budget estimate) in the application form. Follow the link for the application form. Students will be informed about departmental support for their research in the first half of September.

For further information and funding possibilities, please follow the link to support for expenses related to the archival work (travel support).


Teaching consists of individual supervision by a member of IAKH’s academic staff. Feedback is given to the project outline as well as up to two drafts of the paper.

September 15: A project outline that formulates a relevant research question, positions the project in a scholarly debate, presents the empirical case study (object of study, approach, primary sources) and sketches the structure of the proposed paper should be sent to this date to the supervisor. The outline should be 2-3 standard pages long (2,300 characters, no spaces) and be supplemented with a bibliography listing the research literature the paper engages with. The bibliography is not included in the 2-3 pages.

October 26: By this date, send a first draft of your paper to your supervisor per email.

November 16: A final draft may be sent to your supervisor for last feedback before the exam deadline.

Depending on the quality of the work, supervisors may advise the student on how to prepare a submission of the paper for publishing.

Resources and further information on this course will be given in Canvas.


The exam consists of a research paper of 8,000 words (+/- 10%, notes included).

The assignment should be completed with a front page containing the following information:

  • candidate number (not name)
  • subject code
  • the title of the assignment
  • name of department (IAKH)
  • semester

Submission of assignment:

  • the assignment is submitted in Inspera.

It is not possible to sit for the examination other than by being admitted to the course.

If you fail the examination in MITRA4450, you will have the option to hand in a revised research paper at a later date. The deadline for handing in the revised paper will be decided by IAKH. If you have passed the examination in MITRA4450 you will not be able to hand in a revised research paper.

If you want to improve the grade, the exam has to be re-sit the next time the course is given, with a research paper on a different topic.

Language of examination

The examination text is given in English, and you submit your response in English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Oct. 3, 2024 8:19:12 AM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Spring and autumn
Teaching language