
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
06.09.2006Gro Steinsland? ? I. THE TEXT? ?
13.09.2006the philologist Karl Gunnar Johansson? ? II. HISTORY OF RESEARCH –STATE OF ART? ?
20.09.2006Gro Steinsland? ? III. THE MYTH: ? a. Odin in Norse mythology b. Comparative perspectives?
27.09.2006Gro Steinsland? ? IV. MOTIVES, SYMBOLS:? a. THE TREE in Norse mythology b. THE WORLD-TREE in comparative perspective etc. c.THE RUNES?
18.10.2006Gro Steinsland? ? V. RITUAL PERSPECTIVES – initiation, knowledge transfer etc.? ?
25.10.2006Gro Steinsland? ? VI. ICONOGRAPHIC ELEMENTS: Christ in Jelling, Odin in the tree? ?
01.11.2006Gro Steinsland? ? VII. ARCHEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ? ?
01.12.2006? ? ? The paper is to be finished within 1th of December 2006?
Published Sep. 11, 2006 5:34 PM - Last modified Sep. 11, 2006 5:52 PM