Syllabus/achievement requirements

Section 1. Production and Trade - Farms and Towns (PT)

(PT) Andrén, Anders: State and towns in the middle ages, 1989. pp 585-609, 24 pages.

(PT) Bagge, Sverre: Society and Politics in Snorri Sturluson's Heimskringla, 1999. Berkley, Oxford. pp. 129-145, 15 pages.

(PT) Bolin, Sture: Medieval Agrarian Society in its Prime: Scandinavia. In:: The Cambridge Economic History of Europe vol.1, pp. 633-659. Cambridge University Press, 1966. 27 pages.

(PT) Brink, Stefan: Political and Social Structures in Early Scandinavia: A Settlement-historical Pre-study of the Central Place. In: TOR. Tidsskrift for Nordisk Arkeologi - Journal of Archaeology, no. 28 (1996), pp 235 - 281, edited by Bo Gr?slund.. 47 pages.

(PT) Damsholt, Nanna: Women in Medieval Denmark. A Study in Rape. In: Danish Medieval History - New Currents, pp 71-93, edited by N. Skyum-Nielsen & N. Lund. Museum Tusculanum Press, 1981. 13 pages.

(PT) Foote, Peter & David M. Wilson: Trade and Towns. In: The Viking Achievement. The Society and Culture of Early Medieval Scandinavia, pp. 191-231. Sidgwick & Jackson 1970. 31 pages.

(PT) Karras, Ruth Margo: The Slave in the Scandinavian Economies. In: Slavery and Society in Medieval Scandinavia, pp. 69-95. Yale University Press 1988. 26 pages.

(PT) Sawyer, Birgit: Women as Landholders and Alienators of Property in Early Medieval Scandinavia. In: Female Power in the Middle Ages. Proceedings from the 2. St. Gertrud Symposium in Copenhagen, August 1986, edited by Karen Glente & Lise Winther-Jensen, pp. 156-171, 1989. 16 pages.

(PT) Spurkland, Terje: Viking Age Literacy in runes - a contradiction in terms?, in print A. 15 pages.

(PT) Spurkland, Terje: Literacy and 'Runacy' in Medieval Scandinavia. In: Scandinavia and Europe 800-1350. Contact, conflict and Coexistence, edited by Jonathan Adams & Kathrine Holman, pp.333-344. Brepols 2004. 11 pages.

Section 2. The KIng - Political Structure and Organization (K)

(K) Bagge, Sverre: State Building in Medieval Norway. The Origin of the State. In: State Building in Medieval Norway, pp. 129-146. Forum for utviklingsstudier, NUPI, nr. 2 (1989) Oslo. 18 pages.

(K) Clanchy, MIchael: Hearing and Seeing. In: From Memory to Written record. England 1066-1307, Blackwell Oxford & Cambridge USA, pp. 253-293. 1993. 50 pages.

(K) Clunies Ross, Margaret: Prolonged Echoes. Old Norse Myths in medieval Northern Society, vol. 1: The Myths, 1994. Odense. read ch. 3: The Social World of Old Norse Myth, pp. 85-102, 158-186, 45 pages.

(K) Gurevich, Aron Ja.: The Early State in Norway. In: The Early State in Norway, edited by Claessen, Henri J.M. & Peter Skalnik, pp.403-423, 1987. The Hague-Paris-New York. 20 pages.

(K): Medieval Scandinavia. An Encyclopaedia, 1993. New York. Read pp. 535-536, 603-607 (5 pages).

(K) Sawyer, P. & Sawyer, B.: Medieval Scandinavia. From Conversion to Reformation circa 800-1500, 1993. London. Read pp. 129-143 (14 pages).

(K) Veblen, Thorstein: The theory of the Leisure Class, 1998. Promentheus Books. Great Minds Paperback Series. Read pp. 1-101 (100 pages).

Section 3. The Church - religious Ideology and Organization (C)

(C) Bossy, John: The Mass as a Social Institution. 1200-1700. In: Past & Present. Vol. 100, pp.29-61, 1983. 32 pages.

(C) Brendalsmo, A. Jan: The Landscape of the Dead. Was burial in the parish churchyard obligatory in the Middle Ages? In: NIKU 1994-1999. Kulturminneforskningens mangfold. NIKU Temahefte 31, edited by Gundhus, Grete, Elizabeth Seip & Eli Ulriksen, pp. 53-60, 1999, NIKU, Oslo. 7 pages.

(C) Dahlerup, Truls & Magnús Stefánsson: Church Organization and Function. In: Medieval Scandinavia: An Encyclopedia, pp. 84 - 92, 1992. New York and London. 8 pages.

(C) Diebold, W.J.: Word and Image. An Introduction to early medieval art., 2000, Oxford. Read pp. 1-44, 139-148, 53 pages.

(C) Fidjest?l, Bjarne: European and native tradition in ?lafs saga helga. In: Selected Papers, edited by Haugen, Odd Einar at. al., pp.184-200, 1997. Odense. 16 pages.

(C) Hohler, E.B.: Norwegian altar frontals 1250-1350. A research project. In: Arbeitscheft des Bayerischen Landesamtes fur Denkmalpflege, pp. 349-359. 10 pages.

(C) Mostert, Marco: New Approaches to Medieval Communication? In: New Approaches to Medieval Communication, edited by Mostert, Marco, pp. 15-67, 1999. Turnhout: Bepols. 52 pages.

(C) Nichols, Stephen G.: Why Material Philology? In: Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Philologie. 116 Band, pp. 10-30, 1997. Sonderheft. 20 pages.

(C) Sawyer, Birgit, Peter Sawyer & Ian Wood: The Christianization of Scandinavia, 1987. Alings?s. Read pp. 21 - 30, 36 - 87 (60 pages).

(C) Sawyer, Peter: Dioceses and Parishes in Twelfth-Century Scandinavia. In: St. Magnus Cathedral and Orkney's Twelfth-Century Renaissance, edited by Barbara Crawford, pp. 36-45, 1988. Aberdeen. 9 pages.

(C) Skre, Dagfinn: Missionary Activity in Early Medieval Norway. Strategy, Organization and the Course of Events: Scandinavian Journal of History 23, pp. 1-19, 1998. 19 pages.

(C) Spurkland, Terje: Scandinavian Medieval Runic Inscriptions - an interface between literacy and orality. In: Roman, Runes and Ogham. Medieval inscription in the insular world and on the continent, edited by Higgith et al., pp. 121-128, 2001. Donington. 7 pages.

(C) Steinsland, Gro: The mythological basis of the Scandinavian ideology of kingship. In: Germanische Religionsgeschichte. Quellen und Quellenprobleme, edited by Bech, Heinrich, pp. 736-75, 1992. Berlin/ New York. 15 pages.

(C) Stutz, Elrich: The Proprietary Church as an Element of Medieval Germanic Ecclesiastical Law. In: Medieval germany. 911-1250. Essays by german Historians., translated with an introduction by geoffrey Barraclough. Volume II. Essays. Fourth ompression, pp. 35-70, 1967 (1938). Oxford. 35 pages.

Source Texts

Konungs Skuggsjá (The King's Mirror; Speculum Regale), 1917. The American-Scandinavian Foundation. read 162-258 (96 pages).

Snorri Sturluson: Heimskringla. History of the Kings of Norway., edited by Lee Hollander. Austin. Read. ch. 240-246 from "?lafs saga helga", 5 pages.

The Poetic Edda vol. II Mythological Poems, edited by Dronke, Ursula, 1997. Oxford. Read 162-173, 175-208 (33 pages).

Anglo-Saxon Prose, edited by Swanton, Michael, 1993. London. Read: Institutes (The Institutes of Polity) by Archbishop Wulfstan, pp. 187-201 (14 pages).

Medieval Hagiography. An Anthology, edited by Head, Thomas, 2001. Routlege, New York and London. Read: Jón of Hólar (Saga of bishop Jón of Hólar), translated by Margaret Cormack, pp. 595-626 (31 pages).

Further Reading

Colvin, Howard: Architecture and the After-Life, 1991. New Haven & London.

Jesch, Judith: Women in the Viking Age, 1991. Oxford.

Meulengracht S?rensen, Preben: Saga and Society. An Introduction to Old Norse Society, 1993. Odense.

Sawyer, P. & Sawyer, B.: Medieval Scandinavia. From Conversion to Reformation circa 800-1500, 1993. London.

Published Mar. 7, 2005 1:52 AM