Syllabus/achievement requirements


Roesdahl, E.: The Vikings, 1999. Penguin Books, London.


Sj?vold, Th.: The viking ships in Oslo, 1979. Oslo.

Christensen, A.E.: "Viking age ships and shipbuilding": Norwegian Archaeological Review, 1982:19-28. 9 pp.

Christensen, A.E.: "Ships and navigation". In: Vikings, the North Atlantic Saga, edited by Fitzhugh, W.W. and E.I. Ward, pp. 86-97, 2000. Washington DC. 11 pp.

McGrail, S.: "Ships, shipwrights and seamen". In: The Viking World, edited by Graham-Cambell, J., pp. 36-63, 1980. London. 25 pp.

Crumlin-Pedersen, O.: "Aspects of Viking-age shipbuilding": Journal of Danish Archaeology, 1986 (5):209-228. 19 pp.

Crumlin-Pedersen, O.: "Ships as indicators of trade in Northern Europe 600-1200". In: Maritime topography and the medieval town, (PNM, studies in Archaeology and Histoty vol.4), pp. 11-20, 1999. K?benhavn. 9 pp.

Christensen, A. E.: "Boat finds from Bryggen". In: The Bryggen papers. Main series 1, pp. 197-259, 1985. Bergen. 40 pp. text plus ills.

Bonde, N. and A. E. Christensen: "Dendrochronological dating of the Viking age ship burials at Oseberg, Gokstad and Tune": Antiquity, 1993 (67):575-583. 8 pp.

Animal Ornament

Wilson, D.M.: "The earliest animal styles of the viking age". In: Tiere - Menschen - G?tter. Wikingerzeitliche Kunststile und ihre neuzeitliche Rezeption, edited by M. Muller-Wille and L.O. Larsson, pp. 131-156. G?ttingen. 25 pp.

Fuglesang, S.H.: "Animal ornament: The late viking period". In: Tiere - Menschen - G?tter. Wikingerzeitliche Kunststile und ihre neuzeitliche Rezeption, edited by M. Muller-Wille and L.O. Larsson, pp.157-194. G?ttingen. 37 pp.

Harket, A. and S.H. Fuglesang: "Romanesque animal ornament". In: Tiere - Menschen - G?tter. Wikingerzeitliche Kunststile und ihre neuzeitliche Rezeption, edited by M. Muller-Wille and L.O. Larsson, pp.195-213. G?ttingen. 18 pp.

Grave and burial types

Muller-Wille, M.: "Konigsgrab und Koningsgrabkirche". In: Bericht der R?misch-Germanischen Kommission 63, pp. 350 - 412, 1982. 60 pp. Translated by John Hines: "Royal graves and churches with royal graves. Finds and discoveries from early historical and medieval northern Europe" Middelalderens kompendium 5, Oslo 2000.

Roesdahl, E.: "Princely burial in Scandinavia at the time of the conversion" In: Voyage to the other world. The legacy of Sutton Hoo, edited by C.B. Kendall and P.S. Wells, pp. 155-170, 1992. Minneapolis. 15 pp.

Roesdahl, E.: "Dendrochronological and viking studies in Denmark, with a note on the beginning of the viking age" In: The Twelfth Viking Congress. Developments around the Baltic and the North Sea in the viking age, edited by B. Ambrosiani and H. Clarke. (Birka Studies 3), pp.106-116, 1994. Stockholm. 10 pp.

Pedersen, A.: "S?llested and M?llemosegaard - burial customs in 10th century Denmark" In: Rom und Byzanz im Norden. MIssion und Glaubenswechsel im Osteeraum wahrend des 8.-14. Jahrhunderts, vol. 1, Akademie der Wissenschaft und der Literatur. Abhandlungen des Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften Klasse 1997, Nr. 3, I, pp.249-278, 1997. Mainz. 29 pp.

Publications for reference

Nicolaysen, N.: Langskibet fra Gokstad ved Sandefjord, 1882. Kristiania.

Br?gger, A.W., Hj. Falk and H. Schetelig (edd.): Osebergfundet 1-3, 1917-28. Kristiania.

Christensen, A.E.: "Boat finds from Bryggen" In: The Bryggen Papers. Main series 1, pp.47-280, 1985. Bergen.

Crumlin-Pedersen, Ole: The Skuldelev Ships I. Topography, archaeology, history and display, (Ships and boat in the North, vol. 4.1.), 2002. Roskilde.

British Museum Encyclopedia of underwater and maritime archaeology, 1997. London.

S?rensen, A.C.: Ladby. A Danish ship-grave from the Viking age, (Ships and boats from the North, vol.3), 2001. Roskilde.

Opedal, A.: De glemte skipsgravene. Makt og myter p? Avaldsnes, 1998. Stavanger.

Samlet pensum: ca. 585 sider. Kompendium: ca. 335 sider

Published Mar. 7, 2005 1:48 AM