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Parry, Jonathan & Bloch, Maurice, Introduction: Money and the morality of exchange, in Jonathan Parry & Maurice Bloch, eds., Money and the Morality of Exchange, Cambridge, 1989, pp 1-32. (32 s)

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Schiel, Tilman, ch. 2: The traders’ dilemma. The perspective of the longue durée, in Hans-Dieter Evers and Heiko Schrader, eds., The Moral Economy of Trade. Ethnicity and Developing Markets, London & New York, 1994, pp 15-26. (11 s)

Schrader, Heiko, ch. 3: The discussion of trade in social science, in Hans-Dieter Evers and Heiko Schrader, eds., The Moral Economy of Trade. Ethnicity and Developing Markets, London & New York, 1994, pp 27-47. (20 s)

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Publisert 29. apr. 2005 15:27 - Sist endret 18. okt. 2005 10:24