MAS2100 – Runology – Runic Inscriptions from the Migration Period to the Viking Age
Course description
Course content
THIS COURSE HAS BEEN MOVED TO ILN AND HAS A NEW COURSECODE: NFI2100 – Norr?n paleografi og kodikologi (discontinued)
Runology is concerned with some 1300 years of the history writing. Runes constituted the script used by many Germanic peoples from the second century A.D. Their use died out in Norway around 1400. This advanced course covers the runic inscriptions from the Migration Period and the Viking Age. In addition to close study of runic writing, there is also focus on particular issues of the period.
Learning outcome
The aim is to provide a special knowledge of the eldest runes and runic inscriptions. The course also aims to provide insight into the ancient language history of language and cultural history in the light of runic writing.
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Recommended previous knowledge
Basic knowledge in Runology equivalent to the course MAS 1100 is required. This course builds on knowledge of Old Norse and some basic knowledge of the history of the Germanic languages. The syllabus litterature will be in Scandanavian languages, English and, in some cases, German.
Overlapping courses
The course can be taken as a part of the following coursegroups:
40-group - Medieval Cultural history and Language 40-group – Middelalderens kulturhistorie og spr?k (40MIDKULTHS) (discontinued)
40-group - Runology 40-group – Runologi (40RUN)
80-group - Specialisation in Medieval Langiage and Literature 80-group – Fordypning i middelalderens spr?kog litteratur (80MIDSL) (discontinued).
The course is running through the whole semester. Teaching will be a mixture of lectures, seminars, trips to museums and collections, and working in groups. The course is structured into three 6-week blocks. Each block begins with 3 weeks of lectures (of 2 to 4 teaching periods per week), followed by 2 weeks of personal study and assignment writing, followed by 1 week in which assignments are presented and discussed in whole-group sessions.
Students will submit 3 assignments, one from each block of the course. Each assignment will be around 5 pages in length (where a page is reckoned to hold 2300 characters without spacing) and will be assessed by the course teachers. Assignments may be given as individual or group tasks. Each student must ensure that all of his or her assignments are collected in a portfolio and retained as a record of the student’s learning. The final part of the assessment process is an oral examination in which the assignment portfolio is presented. The course syllabus and the student’s portfolio will form the basis of the oral examination. Each student shall choose one assignment on which, together with the syllabus, the weight of the assment will be placed. The final course grade will be from the common assessment scale. In the event of illness which has been certified by a medical doctor, or in the event of a fail grade in the oral examination, a student can apply to postpone or resit the examination the following semester.
Changes may occur.
If you are handicapped or functionally disabled in a way that is essentially disadvantegous when taking the examination, you can apply for a special arrangement of your examination.