NB: Emnep?melding for programstudenter i f?rste runde starter 19. mai og stenger 1. juni. For mer informasjon les f?lgende huskeliste
Gjesteforelesningsrekke av Alex Wolf:
- 04 mai 2004: Scandinavian dynasties in English kingdoms, 876-954
- 06 mai 2004: Robustissimus princeps Rognwaldus: The Man and the Myth
- 11 mai 2004: Lies, Damn Lies and Orkneyinga saga
12/6 Heldagsseminar: Barlaam in the North. Barlaams saga in the North-European Late Middle Ages
NB! Course for using the program Classfronter is held on the 28th of January from 10:15-12:00 at the computer rooms at Sophus Bugge, Blindern. It is very important that all the students attend this course because this program will be used in connection with the seminars.
The runic fonts Gullskoen and Gullhornet can be downloaded free of charge from this web-site:
The first assignment is now to be found in Classfronter. Log on from , Velg rom/Choose room: MAS1100 - Seminar, go to "Tutorial" and then to "Assignments"
Welcome. The detailed teaching plan is now updated. Note that there will be two museum tours and an autopsy lecture in addition to regular lectures and seminars. Please consider what times would suit your schedule so that we can set the times for these on Monday.