Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
24.08.2006Terje Spurkland? Aud. 2 Sophus Bugge's house 12.15-14? Introduction? Week 34?
25.08.2006Terje Spurkland? Aud. 3 Sophus Bugge's house 08.15 -10? Introduction? Week 34?
31.08.2006Terje Spurkland? Aud. 2 SB 12.15-14? Runic inscriptions in the older fu?ark? Week 35?
01.09.2006Terje Spurkland? Aud. 3 SB 08.15-10? Runic inscriptions in the older fu?ark? Week 35?
07.09.2006Terje Spurkland? Aud. 2 SB 12.15-14? Runic inscriptions in the older fu?ark ? Week 36?
08.09.2006Terje Spurkland? Aud. 3 SB 08.15-10? Runic inscriptions in the older fu?ark? Week 36?
15.09.2006Terje Spurkland? Aud. 3 SB 08.15-10? The transition from older to younger fu?ark? Week 37?
22.09.2006Terje Spurkland? Aus. 3 SB 08.15-10? Viking Age runic inscriptions? Week 38. The qualifying essay questions are handed out. Week 39 and 40: private study. Deadline for submission of papers: Friday 6 October. ?
13.10.2006Terje Spurkland? Aud 3 SB 08.15-10? Seminar? Week 41?
17.10.2006Terje Spurkland? Seminar room 156, P.A. Munchs hus, 12.15-14.00? Viking Age runic inscriptions? Week 42

NOTE: Change of time and place for the lecture. ('P.A. Munchs hus' is next to the main faculty building)?

27.10.2006Terje Spurkland? Aud. 3 SB 08.15-10? Runes in the Middle Ages? Week 43?
03.11.2006Terje Spurkland? Aud. 3 SB? Runes in the Middle Ages? Week 44 The qualifying ssay questions are handed out. Week 45 and 46: private study. Deadline for submission of paper: Friday 17 November.?
24.11.2006Terje Spurkland? Aud. 3 SB 08.15-10? Seminar? Week 47

NB: In addition to the lectures and seminars listed above museum visits will be organised during the semester.It is a must to be confronted with the real things!!?

29.11.2006? ? ? Week 48


Published Aug. 11, 2006 10:56 AM - Last modified Sep. 27, 2006 11:32 AM