
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
09.09.2010No?lle Streeton? Frederiksgate 3 og Blindern? ? 8.00–8.30/8.45 Introduction to the Project-Based Master programme

8.45–10.00 Research: concepts and methods (I)

10.15–11.15 Tour, Archaeology Library – Nora Schjoldager

11.30–12.00 lunch (provided)

12.00–1.00 Research: concepts and methods (II)

1.00–1.30 Tour, Conservation Library – Douwtje van der Meulen

2.00–4.00 Endnote course (at Blindern)?

10.09.2010No?lle Streeton? Frederiksgate 3? ? 8.00–8.30 Summary of day 1 and plan for day 2 8.30–9.30 Student presentations

9.30–11.00 Dissertation structure: key ingredients

11.00–11.30 Swipe cards – Terje Simonsen

11.30–12.30 lunch (provided)

12.30–3.30 Writing strategies / knowing your audience

3.30–4.30 Questions?

25.10.2010? ? Semesteroppgave? Write the Introduction to your dissertation (oppgave) with a detailed outline of its proposed structure ?
Publisert 11. nov. 2010 14:13 - Sist endret 11. nov. 2010 14:19